so I found out recently that my cousins (Saylor and Makena) and I can share clothes and shoes. and mostly whatever else. which says a lot for the 3 of us. I think it's saying that we're all 3 skinny, stylish girls. am I right? it pretty much triples my wardrobe, too. I mean obviously I can't wear a 10 year old's jeans, but shirts and elastic skirts? definitely. (I only say those things because I have wide birthing hips, and she doesn't)
anyway, pretty awesome.
also, I've been thinking a lot about school. I know. I just got done with school, so why would I think of such absurd things? and how does that tie in with barter systems? (the above paragraph should answer that question, fyi.) well, continuing education is definitely in my future. I've always wanted that. but some decisions and thought-processes lately have kind of put it farther up on my priority list, I guess. but I haven't gotten very far, because...well...I don't know what to study. kind of a problem, right?
so here I am. again. thinking about school, and typing out these thoughts about school, but getting nowhere. it's a little bit frustrating, as you can probably imagine.
anyway, my friend Spencer showed me this photography website of just B&W shots. they're incredible. seriously. I got goosebumps.

Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
boredom advice?
I have some important information for you:
if you are at work, have access to the internet, and don't have much to do, DON'T SHOP.
because before you know it, you're entire paycheck is half gone, and you don't even have that much to show for it.
(okay, this didn't really happen to me, but still... I was almost to that point.)
so, if this applies to you, find a free game and get addicted to that. or blog? pinterest, even? ...whichever is most appealing.
they even say planning a vacation is good (even a fake vacation). and good for you. in the sense that it stimulates happy chemicals in your body. and who doesn't want that? I'll tell you something--spending money, even when you get cute fun things, does not always stimulate happy chemicals. remember that.
also, will someone explain to me what the hell this is???:
I have some important information for you:
if you are at work, have access to the internet, and don't have much to do, DON'T SHOP.
because before you know it, you're entire paycheck is half gone, and you don't even have that much to show for it.
(okay, this didn't really happen to me, but still... I was almost to that point.)
so, if this applies to you, find a free game and get addicted to that. or blog? pinterest, even? ...whichever is most appealing.
they even say planning a vacation is good (even a fake vacation). and good for you. in the sense that it stimulates happy chemicals in your body. and who doesn't want that? I'll tell you something--spending money, even when you get cute fun things, does not always stimulate happy chemicals. remember that.
also, will someone explain to me what the hell this is???:
sorry, I wish it could be smaller. but seriously? what is the point of wearing this? I found it on forever21. yeah. I know. what in the world...
Monday, September 5, 2011
real life adult.
what does that even mean? being a real life adult... I feel like it's loaded with a bunch of stereotypical adjectives and expectations. but then again, I'm not really even sure what all those expectations are. I guess I know what other people expect of me, but what do I expect of myself? I've been a college graduate for over a month now, and I still haven't even figured out all that I want to do next. not that I'm in any sort of hurry, I have my whole life ahead of me, but still. it's nice to have some sort of plan, right? I got a job (yay!), so I can cross that off my list. but really, that's all I have figured out. I at least have some ideas (some of which I'm not fully comfortable posting yet) that I'm pretty excited about. most of which involve pinterest. I've been "repinning" craft ideas all freakin summer long, and now that I have time to spare that I don't have to fill with schoolwork, I can finally start working on some of those. at the same time, I'm thinking to myself, "when in the hell am I gonna have time for all of this stuff?". I'm sure I will though. I get bored a lot these days. I also created a movie list (which is sort of MIA at the moment, otherwise I'd share it) of movies I've been wanting to watch for a lonnng time now. off the top of my head I can think of Casablanca but that's a no-brainer... OH. also... I've been toying with the idea of writing a book, and I really think I'm gonna do it. seriously. I dunno what all it's going to be about, and I haven't decided if I will tell you all when I figure it all out, but just cross your fingers and hope that it goes well for me. I'm excited though! it should be interesting, that's for sure... anyway. I guess I'll be busy for a while. I start my new job tomorrow! wish me luck!
How often do you wear your "Graduation gift"
All the time... but I usually change my mind and wear something because it's a bit ostentatious. I don't like to show off.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
So. I got a haircut yesterday. just a trim though, so no one freak out. however, I think it looks funny. not to discredit my mom on doing a fantastic job at helping me keep my hair healthy, I just think it's a little weird right now. my hair is in wicked bad shape right now, health-wise, so I really needed the trim regardless. I think I look like Christina Ricci when she played Kat Harvey in Casper.
I'm not kidding. it really looks like this. it's kind of weird. luckily I don't have a middle part or funky eyebrows. OR a ghost following me around. that I know of...
Anyway, today my dad and I groomed our dog, Dixie. when I first got here (here meaning Tennessee), I thought she was fat. nope. just a TON of matted, nasty fur. like seriously, if the ASPCA found out, they probably would have come and taken our dog away. it was kind of a nightmare. but she's all skinny and furless now! it's cute. she looks like a mini wolf. and she's such a sweetheart, too. I love her to pieces. I wish I had a picture to show you, but I don't. maybe later.
Anyway, today my dad and I groomed our dog, Dixie. when I first got here (here meaning Tennessee), I thought she was fat. nope. just a TON of matted, nasty fur. like seriously, if the ASPCA found out, they probably would have come and taken our dog away. it was kind of a nightmare. but she's all skinny and furless now! it's cute. she looks like a mini wolf. and she's such a sweetheart, too. I love her to pieces. I wish I had a picture to show you, but I don't. maybe later.
trouble sleeping
It's 2:46 am. approximately. most people would be asleep. some people would be playing video games (like my brother). others...well...let's just keep this post PG. As for me, I am blogging. about what I've been doing for the past...3 hours.
We watched Sanctum tonight. have any of you guys seen that movie? OH MAN. let's be honest here. I'm never going caving. again. okay, maybe I will. but not where water is involved. and huge tropical storms. that's some scary stuff. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. that's not a lie.
Anyway, the movie got over at midnight. SO...since my sleep schedule has been off (being a recent graduate with no job and no boyfriend does not have very many perks--just lots of free time to stay up and sleep late) I decided to waste time on pinterest and tumblr. and check my email. (duh) makes me feel good when people repin or reblog my stuff. that i repinned and reblogged from other people. i also read in my email that they now have candy to cure hangovers. what the ______ (i said i would keep this PG, so insert what you want there)!
When I got bored with that (it happens even with pinterest!), it was time to move to youtube. I have heard some really good stuff lately (thanks to being in a real city) so I wanted to listen and maybe possibly do a little downloading. here's mah lil playlist for your enjoyment:
time for me to copy these felines and get some sleeps. k byeee!
We watched Sanctum tonight. have any of you guys seen that movie? OH MAN. let's be honest here. I'm never going caving. again. okay, maybe I will. but not where water is involved. and huge tropical storms. that's some scary stuff. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. that's not a lie.
Anyway, the movie got over at midnight. SO...since my sleep schedule has been off (being a recent graduate with no job and no boyfriend does not have very many perks--just lots of free time to stay up and sleep late) I decided to waste time on pinterest and tumblr. and check my email. (duh) makes me feel good when people repin or reblog my stuff. that i repinned and reblogged from other people. i also read in my email that they now have candy to cure hangovers. what the ______ (i said i would keep this PG, so insert what you want there)!
When I got bored with that (it happens even with pinterest!), it was time to move to youtube. I have heard some really good stuff lately (thanks to being in a real city) so I wanted to listen and maybe possibly do a little downloading. here's mah lil playlist for your enjoyment:
- "My Racing Thoughts" -- Jack's Mannequin (new album coming out soon!)
- "Moves Like Jagger" -- Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera (the music video is fun but christina is still fat.)
- "She's The Latest One" -- The June Junes (not sure if I love it yet)
- "Tonight Tonight" -- Hot Chelle Rae (their band name reminds me of myself. admit it--you see it too.)
- "Friday Is Forever" -- We The Kings (what's with all the friday songs?)
- "Next To You" -- Chris Brown ft. the Biebster (can't say we didn't see this collaboration coming)
- "Secret Valentine" -- We The Kings (can't get enough of the ginger-headed lead vocalist!)
- "Who Owns My Heart" -- Miley Cyrus (yeah. i know. pathetic. but i can't help it!)
- "What the Hell" -- Avril Lavigne (it's still PG if I type "hell" on here...and yes avril is still awesome)
- "California King Bed" -- Rihanna (bittersweet i guess..kind of how i feel about wanting a king-size bed)
- "Smile" -- Avril Lavigne (it's cute. kinda. as cute as her songs get, i guess.)
- "Who's Laughing Now" -- Jessie J (apparently this song is for her schoolmates who were mean to her)
- "Let's Go" -- Madi Diaz (this song is fun. and this chick is from nashville. pretty awesome.)
- "White Nights" -- Oh Land (this chick's voice is just freakin cool)
- "Best Love Song" -- T-Pain and Chris Brown (yeahhh i know we all know this one. bfd.)
- "Starlight" -- Muse (if you don't know this song by now, you're an idiot. just sayin.)
- "My Moon My Man" -- Feist (can't go wrong with feist. plus she dances on a moving walkway.)
time for me to copy these felines and get some sleeps. k byeee!
Friday, August 5, 2011
If you could, would you travel to space?
space kind of freaks me out. i'm sure it would be so beautiful and mysterious and all that... but i dunno. i saw this movie once about black holes and it seriously freaked me out. i was younger of course, but still. i guess it stuck w me. so no, i probably wouldn't travel to space. actually, yes i would. after i traveled to allllll of the places on my list that are already here on earth. haha.
ask me questions people! :)
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Who's your baby crush you've known for like 3 years?
you wouldn't know i'm over it, sooo it's irrelevant. thanks for playing. :)
Do you like horror movies?
LOVE. but it's only fun if you have someone to cuddle with. ;)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
it's finally here. i'm finally graduating.
(disclaimer: if i don't pass my finals, we'll have some problems. so please please please pray for me.)
in the spirit of this upcoming infamous friday, i found this song pretty perfectly describes how i'm feeling. (for the most part)
just kidding. this is how i really feel:
yeah. yeah. yeah. i'm graduating on friday! friday! gotta get down on friday!
i hope that song is stuck in your head until friday. haha just kidding. :)
(disclaimer: if i don't pass my finals, we'll have some problems. so please please please pray for me.)
in the spirit of this upcoming infamous friday, i found this song pretty perfectly describes how i'm feeling. (for the most part)
just kidding. this is how i really feel:
yeah. yeah. yeah. i'm graduating on friday! friday! gotta get down on friday!
i hope that song is stuck in your head until friday. haha just kidding. :)
Monday, June 6, 2011
in the news...
here are a few things that have been happening in my life recently that i felt i need to share:
- my brother spilled my deepest secret and now everyone knows.
- i've been going to way too many weddings. it's glorious. yet depressing.
- adele has a severe case of laryngitis.
- a friend from sin city is mad at me.
- i miss my friend from the littlest big city in the world.
- i am debating on how long i want to stay in the music city.
- my favorite tweets are from steve nash.
- i'm going to put feathers in my hair tomorrow.
- i'm sorry for disappointing and hurting some people.
- i'm going to a dr of lady parts soon. (tmi?)
- a friend of mine is being extremely vain. it's very irritating.
- the hangover II is now my favorite comedy.
- a close friend is not close enough. and am now even closer to other friends.
- "it's kind of a funny story" is also a new favorite.
- i have a baby crush on a boy i've known for like 3 years.
- i miss my brothers.
so yeah. that's all.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
so for whatever reason, i've become temporarily depressed. and completely bored with everything. i don't know why. maybe it's because of the lack of summer during this supposed summer month. maybe it's because i miss having my brothers around. whatever it is, i need to change things. and with all the crazy assassin spy stealth movies and tv shows i've seen lately, i've found just the cure for this case of the blues. at least i hope it will be a cure.
i'm starting a prank war. with my brother's old roommates. i just really need something to do. i don't have money for crafts, or anything else for that matter, and having a paintball assassin game is sort of a lost hope at this point, so maybe a prank war is the next best thing. me and my roommates came up with a few good ones. we're going to start small and throw in a few big ones as time goes on. it might not even work, but it'll be fun to try.
if it works out the way i want, i'll keep you posted. haha. :)
i'm starting a prank war. with my brother's old roommates. i just really need something to do. i don't have money for crafts, or anything else for that matter, and having a paintball assassin game is sort of a lost hope at this point, so maybe a prank war is the next best thing. me and my roommates came up with a few good ones. we're going to start small and throw in a few big ones as time goes on. it might not even work, but it'll be fun to try.
if it works out the way i want, i'll keep you posted. haha. :)
Monday, May 23, 2011
post birthday celebration
the rumors are true. i'm 24. i really don't like the sound of that either. that whole saying "one year older and wiser too" or whatever. it sucks. can it just be "one year wiser" instead? because i find that very applicable. and appealing. the older part? not so much.
anyway, the bday was pretty good. i had plans for a bonfire, but they basically got rained out. and the location of said bonfire was flooded. so i threw a party with my closest friends at a apartment complex lounge. pretty low key. cake. balloons. wii. music. dancing. foosball. billiards. it was pretty legit. with legit company too. i have really awesome friends. just sayin. i'm really grateful for them. especially my friends alyssa and melanie and robert. they made so much effort to make my party a success and my birthday enjoyable. i love them to pieces.
oh yeah, also--i broke curfew big time to go see the midnight premier of pirates of the caribbean: on stranger tides with some really cool people. umm that movie is way tight. i wanna see it again. and maybe even a third time. yes. it is that good.
my roommates are such angels--while i was out doing party prep things all day, they decorated our apartment and made me a cake and got me a couple little gifts. i loved it. they even wrote me a nice note and stuff. they are seriously the sweetest. it was a really nice surprise to come home to after my party.
anyway, i got my fisheye camera back into use. i ran out of film, but just bought some more so i can now add to my box full of undeveloped film. ha.
i started flag football with some friends. i feel pretty fortunate to be able to play. and i'm really excited to have something else to do (long story short, my schedule is reallllly easy this semester). the team i play for is called caffeine free. we all know i don't drink anything caffeine free. and the same goes for everyone else i play with. so it's funny. and ironic. haha. so far, we've only had one game which we tied (0-0 cuz they don't do overtime). we have two this week though, so hopefully we'll play well. right now i play runningback and center. i don't know how i landed RB honestly. let's just pray i actually play well enough to keep that privilege.
pictures will come soon!
anyway, the bday was pretty good. i had plans for a bonfire, but they basically got rained out. and the location of said bonfire was flooded. so i threw a party with my closest friends at a apartment complex lounge. pretty low key. cake. balloons. wii. music. dancing. foosball. billiards. it was pretty legit. with legit company too. i have really awesome friends. just sayin. i'm really grateful for them. especially my friends alyssa and melanie and robert. they made so much effort to make my party a success and my birthday enjoyable. i love them to pieces.
oh yeah, also--i broke curfew big time to go see the midnight premier of pirates of the caribbean: on stranger tides with some really cool people. umm that movie is way tight. i wanna see it again. and maybe even a third time. yes. it is that good.
my roommates are such angels--while i was out doing party prep things all day, they decorated our apartment and made me a cake and got me a couple little gifts. i loved it. they even wrote me a nice note and stuff. they are seriously the sweetest. it was a really nice surprise to come home to after my party.
anyway, i got my fisheye camera back into use. i ran out of film, but just bought some more so i can now add to my box full of undeveloped film. ha.
i started flag football with some friends. i feel pretty fortunate to be able to play. and i'm really excited to have something else to do (long story short, my schedule is reallllly easy this semester). the team i play for is called caffeine free. we all know i don't drink anything caffeine free. and the same goes for everyone else i play with. so it's funny. and ironic. haha. so far, we've only had one game which we tied (0-0 cuz they don't do overtime). we have two this week though, so hopefully we'll play well. right now i play runningback and center. i don't know how i landed RB honestly. let's just pray i actually play well enough to keep that privilege.
pictures will come soon!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
What do you think is the best way to defeat terrorism?
This may be a little big cliche to say, but I feel if everyone could learn to love each other unconditionally, it could solve a lot of problems. Obviously that can be a lot to ask, but I know it's possible. Also, I believe a lot of terrorism (and there are different types, I think) is caused by misunderstandings and misconceptions about other races and cultures, etc. If we could learn to understand one another and educate ourselves on what others believe, it could at least minimize all this hate people have towards each other.
What's the furthest you've ever traveled?
umm Belize. It's really beautiful there, too.
Friday, May 13, 2011
dear blogger,
i am really mad at you because of the past 24 hours of not.being.available.
i had a really great post i was working on, and now not only is it not saved as a draft, but it also doesn't exist. at all. so i wasted 45 minutes of my life thanks to you. 45 minutes that i will never have proof of. because it doesn't exist anymore. i hope you feel bad.
one of many irritated bloggers
i had a really great post i was working on, and now not only is it not saved as a draft, but it also doesn't exist. at all. so i wasted 45 minutes of my life thanks to you. 45 minutes that i will never have proof of. because it doesn't exist anymore. i hope you feel bad.
one of many irritated bloggers
Saturday, May 7, 2011
wedding extravaganza
In case there is any initial questioning, NO. This post has nothing to do with my personal love life. Today was meant for others' love lives. I went to a bridal shower for my new friend Amanda, and then I attended a wedding reception for my dear friends, Mark and Brittany. I had cupcakes and M&M's and really good punch. I also had the fantastic benefit and privilege of going to Five Guys burger with my friend Robert! YUM. It was fantastic. I also had more cupcakes and more really good punch. At this point, I started to feel a little sick but oh well. They were amazzinggg. I made some new friends--Lacey and McKensie. They are so lovely. I'm glad I met them. I'm really exhausted, but it was fun to see my friends so happy.
I had this assignment today to create a poster on different types of advertisements. I meant to do it early today, and tried very hard, but the site was down for my class. ALL. DAY. LONG. It was extremely stressful and frustrating. However, I finally got it finished and turned in (with only half an hour left till it was due). My favorite ad I found is posted below. This one was for comparative advertising (where two products are compared side by side--for those who weren't aware. ha.). I was pretty stoked when I saw it because it's a common debate I think. Which one is your favorite?
I had this assignment today to create a poster on different types of advertisements. I meant to do it early today, and tried very hard, but the site was down for my class. ALL. DAY. LONG. It was extremely stressful and frustrating. However, I finally got it finished and turned in (with only half an hour left till it was due). My favorite ad I found is posted below. This one was for comparative advertising (where two products are compared side by side--for those who weren't aware. ha.). I was pretty stoked when I saw it because it's a common debate I think. Which one is your favorite?
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
pre bday wishes?
my birthday is in 2.5 weeks. approximately. I'm turning (shh...) 24. I don't know what to do for it! I'm definitely skipping school. I only have one class that day anyway. the past couple years when I have been here in rexy, I have laid out at rigby "lake" (it's not even a lake really. it's like a big pond) and then gone out to eat or something. last year, i was in Utah visiting a boy. one time, I bought myself lingerie for my birthday. that was fun. this year I really want to do something different though because I'm graduating, so this whole semester is kind of a big deal to me. I just don't know what to do. mayybe I'll throw a party outside? maybe I'll go to Utah again (but not for a boy this time)? maybe I'll go on a trip. I only have like 2 weeks to plan though. Help!
Monday, May 2, 2011
a really huge recap.
I don't remember what my last post was about, so forgive me if I happen to repeat some stuff. It's been approximately 3 weeks or so, and a lot has happened. First of all (and maybe even most important), my other brother got home!!! :) I'm so so happy. Here are some pictures from his arrival!
So there it is. Also during that time, we played a ton of xbox kinect. I don't think I have laughed that hard in a LONGG time! My grandparents? SO hilarious. Here is a video of they're boxing match. I think maybe they let go of some pent up frustrations they had towards each other. Baha.
What else. I went to a party and made a lot of great friends. I also reconnected with some old ones. :) I'm really grateful for friendship, and I'm very blessed to have such amazing friends all over the country and even in parts of the world.
Here are a few more things I did recently:
1. Built a fort with some cool dudes.
2. Watched Burlesque for the 8th and 9th times. (still so good to me)
3. Wrote a speech on legalizing marijuana (and provoked quite the debate amongst my peers on facebook).
4. Built a starfield simulation light.
5. Jumped on a trampoline in front of a grocery store with my best friend.
6. Purchased pink lipstick.
7. Started my easiest and most fun semester ever here. (maybe not most fun but definitely close)
8. Visited some relatives in Utah (which was, for the record, very much overdue)
9. Lost and found my phone for the thousandth time. (thank goodness for people with integrity)
10. Saw Arthur. (so freaking hilarious)
I've had a pretty awesome past few weeks. I'm really excited for this summer too! And my GRADUATIONNNN!!!! SO happy that it's finally happening!
waitinggg |
me and Kieffer (still waitinggg) |
there he is!!! |
tender :) |
the twins. reunited 2.5 years later. |
siblings all together again |
What else. I went to a party and made a lot of great friends. I also reconnected with some old ones. :) I'm really grateful for friendship, and I'm very blessed to have such amazing friends all over the country and even in parts of the world.
Here are a few more things I did recently:
1. Built a fort with some cool dudes.
2. Watched Burlesque for the 8th and 9th times. (still so good to me)
3. Wrote a speech on legalizing marijuana (and provoked quite the debate amongst my peers on facebook).
4. Built a starfield simulation light.
5. Jumped on a trampoline in front of a grocery store with my best friend.
6. Purchased pink lipstick.
7. Started my easiest and most fun semester ever here. (maybe not most fun but definitely close)
8. Visited some relatives in Utah (which was, for the record, very much overdue)
9. Lost and found my phone for the thousandth time. (thank goodness for people with integrity)
10. Saw Arthur. (so freaking hilarious)
I've had a pretty awesome past few weeks. I'm really excited for this summer too! And my GRADUATIONNNN!!!! SO happy that it's finally happening!
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me and melanie on the trampoline! |
Friday, April 1, 2011
this is not a joke.
so maybe you have heard...i'm engaged! YES! the rumors are true :)
the lucky man is austin jarrell. we know each other from when we were way young up until high school. we went different ways, but fate brought us together through facebook. i know, i know. it's sort of cliche to say that, but it's true! we started talking, reminiscing, confessing crushes, etc. before long we became the best of friends and talked and skyped as often as we could. after much discussion, i ended up going to visit him in vegas last night (i got there pretty late). but he had this whole night planned out to make sure the trip was worth it. and seeing as vegas is most alive at night, it worked out pretty well. we went out to eat at in-n-out (it's one of my favorites and is kind of a luxury to me since i'm so far away from it!) but we got it to go because it was such a nice night and he didn't want to eat it inside. we drove to this place that was kind of far from the city and was set up on a hill. it overlooked the whollllle of las vegas and it was beautiful! we started talking and having a good time eating our yummy burgers and perfect fries, but things turned serious pretty fast. we talked about how different things are since high school (duh) and how much everything has changed since we started talking a few months ago. we told each other how much we cared about the other and how close we were. then like out of know where he tells me he loves me! an incredibly peaceful feeling came over me and i just knew i had to say it back because it was true for me as well! ah it was so amazing! he kisses me (oo la la it was perfect!) and pulls out this rock of a ring. umm hello!? it was gorgeous! it is gorgeous still! i started crying, like the big baby i am, and he asked me to be his wifey. (he didn't say wifey though. i just like it better than just plain old wife.) duh i said yes (that's why i'm posting this!) and we had a pretty fantastic rest of the evening! it was wayy too late to call anyone though. i'm so happy though! it was so so perfect! i'm moving to vegas at the end of the summer (after i graduate) so i can be with him and get married and live happily ever after! i hope you come! (i'm not getting married in a drive-thru chapel either!) here's me and my perfect ring!
i'll post more pictures later. :)
the lucky man is austin jarrell. we know each other from when we were way young up until high school. we went different ways, but fate brought us together through facebook. i know, i know. it's sort of cliche to say that, but it's true! we started talking, reminiscing, confessing crushes, etc. before long we became the best of friends and talked and skyped as often as we could. after much discussion, i ended up going to visit him in vegas last night (i got there pretty late). but he had this whole night planned out to make sure the trip was worth it. and seeing as vegas is most alive at night, it worked out pretty well. we went out to eat at in-n-out (it's one of my favorites and is kind of a luxury to me since i'm so far away from it!) but we got it to go because it was such a nice night and he didn't want to eat it inside. we drove to this place that was kind of far from the city and was set up on a hill. it overlooked the whollllle of las vegas and it was beautiful! we started talking and having a good time eating our yummy burgers and perfect fries, but things turned serious pretty fast. we talked about how different things are since high school (duh) and how much everything has changed since we started talking a few months ago. we told each other how much we cared about the other and how close we were. then like out of know where he tells me he loves me! an incredibly peaceful feeling came over me and i just knew i had to say it back because it was true for me as well! ah it was so amazing! he kisses me (oo la la it was perfect!) and pulls out this rock of a ring. umm hello!? it was gorgeous! it is gorgeous still! i started crying, like the big baby i am, and he asked me to be his wifey. (he didn't say wifey though. i just like it better than just plain old wife.) duh i said yes (that's why i'm posting this!) and we had a pretty fantastic rest of the evening! it was wayy too late to call anyone though. i'm so happy though! it was so so perfect! i'm moving to vegas at the end of the summer (after i graduate) so i can be with him and get married and live happily ever after! i hope you come! (i'm not getting married in a drive-thru chapel either!) here's me and my perfect ring!
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sorry it's blurry! |
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Who and when was your first kiss?
this story won me first prize at a bridal shower. the boy's name is danny wolfertz (total stud by the way). he took me on a date before he left for school. we went to walmart to buy a printer, went to home depot for my dad, went to the store to buy ice cream (personal pints yo), and then off to this dock behind a house to eat the ice cream under the stars on the lake. it was a magical moment, folks. very romantic. we were having pleasant conversation, and then he just asked me my permission to kiss me. it was sweet. and then, we made out on the dock. i almost fell in. it was a good time.
What things do you do to stay healthy?
i drink at least 44 oz of diet pepsi a day (studies show it's the fountain of youth...promise); i sleep as often as i can (i'm really good at that); and i laugh a lot (15 minutes of laughter adds 2 years onto your life--no joke)
Monday, March 28, 2011
final countdown
well's about that time. finals are next week so you know what that means--everything that i've procrastinated doing the whole semester will be done all in one night. maybe two. good thing i work really well under pressure (it's true, just look at my resume). in all seriousness though, i'm starting to realize how much work i have left to do and i'm kind of freaking out inside (i never freak out on the outside). the only good thing i have to look forward to is the fact that most of my teachers allow food "labs" during the last couple lecture days which means i get free food. one of my teachers is bringing subway next week for our whole class. and then in one of my other classes, my teacher is ordering texas roadhouse for everyone. okay no not really, but if it were true, i'm pretty positive my blog would get more hits. okay that's probably not true either actually. ha.
so my bracket is shot. lots of teams let me down. especially duke. i guess i should've known better than to pick them for my champion for both of my brackets. i didn't make any bets with anyone though, thank goodness. i would've been in so much trouble. baseball is gonna be another story though. pretty sure i'll have a bet going every week until the world series.
my brother, korben, gets home in less than a month! i cannot wait. when kieffer and i hang out, korben is all we talk about. we miss him a lot. i'm kinda bummed i won't get to hang out with him much though because i leave 2 days after he gets home. having both of my brothers home is such a great feeling. it really hasn't been the same without them around. no one makes me laugh like they do, and the day i find a guy who does make me laugh like them, i'm marrying him. ha ha. anyway, my point is, i really love my brothers and i've missed having them around so it feels really good knowing they'll be back again. i'm really proud of them, and i look up to them a lot. they're my best friends for sure.
so my bracket is shot. lots of teams let me down. especially duke. i guess i should've known better than to pick them for my champion for both of my brackets. i didn't make any bets with anyone though, thank goodness. i would've been in so much trouble. baseball is gonna be another story though. pretty sure i'll have a bet going every week until the world series.
my brother, korben, gets home in less than a month! i cannot wait. when kieffer and i hang out, korben is all we talk about. we miss him a lot. i'm kinda bummed i won't get to hang out with him much though because i leave 2 days after he gets home. having both of my brothers home is such a great feeling. it really hasn't been the same without them around. no one makes me laugh like they do, and the day i find a guy who does make me laugh like them, i'm marrying him. ha ha. anyway, my point is, i really love my brothers and i've missed having them around so it feels really good knowing they'll be back again. i'm really proud of them, and i look up to them a lot. they're my best friends for sure.
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me and korben at his graduation party |
Sunday, March 27, 2011
If you could only read one magazine for the rest of your life, which would it be?
i think anyone who knows me knows the answer to this question--Cosmopolitan.
If you could live in any house you wanted to, what would it look like?
i dont have any idea of what it would look like on the outside. but if you're curious as to how it would look on the inside, take a lil peak at my pinboard here:
pre-homework activities
it's incredibly windy today in rexburg. i walked to my favorite gas station--horkley's--to get my daily diet pepsi fix and i was blown away (literally and metaphorically) by how strong the wind was! and yes. i broke the sabbath. but i feel like spending 70 cents is not really a big deal. i haven't watched any sports today, and i even watched the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe with my roommates, which as we all know screams religious parallels. so i think i'm good. plus our water here blows and i have no sugar to make kool-aid. it's justified.
baseball starts this week and i could not be more ecstatic! i can't wait for thursday evening! opening day is one of my favorite days of the year. one of my favorite things about baseball (besides the obvious) is being able to have a league of my own. which i created recently! however, i'm somewhat frustrated because i still have a couple spots that people haven't taken. i don't feel like it should be that hard to find 10 people who like baseball enough to play fantasy. but for whatever reason, it is. anyway, it'll be fine. everything always works out. especially when you take it more seriously than your homework.
since joining pinterest, i have created a "pinboard" called craftiness. i created it because i have hopes of being able to make each of the artsy crafty things i pin there. so i think i will pick one and attempt to create it. i might do the envelope made out of a map (see picture below) because it seems the easiest, and i have been on a letter-writing streak lately. so why not? hopefully it goes well. if it does, my penpals will be expecting letters in sweet envelopes in the next couple weeks. don't get your hopes up though!
baseball starts this week and i could not be more ecstatic! i can't wait for thursday evening! opening day is one of my favorite days of the year. one of my favorite things about baseball (besides the obvious) is being able to have a league of my own. which i created recently! however, i'm somewhat frustrated because i still have a couple spots that people haven't taken. i don't feel like it should be that hard to find 10 people who like baseball enough to play fantasy. but for whatever reason, it is. anyway, it'll be fine. everything always works out. especially when you take it more seriously than your homework.
since joining pinterest, i have created a "pinboard" called craftiness. i created it because i have hopes of being able to make each of the artsy crafty things i pin there. so i think i will pick one and attempt to create it. i might do the envelope made out of a map (see picture below) because it seems the easiest, and i have been on a letter-writing streak lately. so why not? hopefully it goes well. if it does, my penpals will be expecting letters in sweet envelopes in the next couple weeks. don't get your hopes up though!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Whats the funniest part in Due Date?
oh man. that's such a tough question because that whole movie is hilarious. but my favorite part definitely is when they are in line at the mexico border, and the border patrol policeman is questioning them about glaucoma and says "does your dog have glaucoma? cuz his eyes are glassy as f too" SOO HILARIOUS.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
How much TV do you usually watch in a day?
i feel like this question should say "in a week" because i don't watch tv every day. so, in a week i watch about 10-15 hours in a week. on average. sometimes less.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
olympic lifting is not for the faint of heart...
i couldn't sleep last night... i went to bed pretty late, but usually i can fall asleep pretty quickly. but even when i was asleep, i felt like my mind was going a million miles an hour. i had so so many thoughts and once a new thought started, it would trail off and form this huge chain of other thoughts that my brain somehow thought were connected to that original thought. it was nuts. not to mention i drank 44 ounces of mountain dew about 2-3 hours before bedtime, so i'm sure that contributed. i'm sure i'll sleep better tonight though because of the reason stated above, and because i've kind of had a busy day.
i woke up at 8 am to get ready to go donate plasma (shh! don't tell my mom) so i could have a few extra moneys for stuff. on my way there, i saw this girl fall completely off her bike--like one of those fall flat on your face while your bike is still going by itself. it was scary. but she was okay. i also saw this abandoned house. it was a little creepy, just because it was all taped off. but not like "crime scene" taped off. more like "danger" taped off. everything went fine at the plasma center though. i got a free capri-sun and granola bar. and i passed all the medical exams with flying colors too.
oh but when i was done, it was only a half hour till my class started so i had to hurry home and get changed. i headed to sports conditioning, which usually is really awesome because we learn all these cool lifts, but today was an olympic lifting circuit. not the best day to donate plasma. or better yet, not the best day to come to class. ha. just joking. anyway, i wanted to prove i could do it despite the fact that you're not supposed to do stuff like that so soon after donation. here are my reasons why:
i woke up at 8 am to get ready to go donate plasma (shh! don't tell my mom) so i could have a few extra moneys for stuff. on my way there, i saw this girl fall completely off her bike--like one of those fall flat on your face while your bike is still going by itself. it was scary. but she was okay. i also saw this abandoned house. it was a little creepy, just because it was all taped off. but not like "crime scene" taped off. more like "danger" taped off. everything went fine at the plasma center though. i got a free capri-sun and granola bar. and i passed all the medical exams with flying colors too.
oh but when i was done, it was only a half hour till my class started so i had to hurry home and get changed. i headed to sports conditioning, which usually is really awesome because we learn all these cool lifts, but today was an olympic lifting circuit. not the best day to donate plasma. or better yet, not the best day to come to class. ha. just joking. anyway, i wanted to prove i could do it despite the fact that you're not supposed to do stuff like that so soon after donation. here are my reasons why:
- i wanted to prove i could actually do a proper clean because some people think that i just plain old can't.
- i wanted to impress my teacher, so i could get brownie points so he would increase my grade.
- i'm prideful and refuse to look weak.
anyway, i start doin my thing, but almost immediately started to feel dizzy. my heart started pounding really hard too. but i found that if i sat down for a little bit, that would go away. so we continued to do the lift and then rotate on to the next girl (we were in groups and taking turns doing cleans, clean & jerk, and clean & squat). however, i started feeling more tired and more out of it as the workout progressed that at one point during my turn, my hand slipped mid-shrug and i dropped the bar on my left knee. i was done lifting after that. my teacher was pretty understanding too, thank goodness. on my way out of the gym though, i knew i was still out of it because i ran into the bench that sits in the middle of the room. like, i fell forward onto the bench in front of everyone. how do you miss something like that? needless to say, my left knee is pretty swollen. and my pride is hurt pretty bad too.
anyway, i bought my hair-dye, and i will be coloring my hair "black cherry" tomorrow. hopefully, pictures will follow.
What TV show makes you laugh the loudest?
Community and Tosh.0 but I think Tosh takes the whole cake in that category.
Will anyone be good enough for you?
what the hell kind of question is that?? um yeah. there is someone out there good enough for me. maybe even a couple dudes. but i don't think i'll find one who's single while i'm still in idaho. but then again, who knows.
What's your favorite pasta dish?
lasagna. hands down. it's SO GOOOOOOOD. My mom makes the best lasagna too. She taught me how to make it, and I can, but it's definitely not as good.
I was on facebook earlier today entering a new status. I said something about dying my hair bodacious burgundy (which is the color you see in my photo above). Well..."bodacious" got one of those red lines under it. aka, it's not recognized as a real word, or I spelled it wrong. Well, being the smart girl that I am with a vast vocabulary, I know bodacious is a word. But I was interested to see what the spelling suggestions were. I took the liberty of looking all of them up for you:
s, -tyoo-] –adjective stubbornly perverse or rebellious; willfully and obstinatelydisobedient.
s] –adjective telling lies, especially habitually; dishonest; lying; untruthful
s] –adjective having or showing acute mental discernment and keen practical sense; shrewd
s, voh-, vuh-] –adjective craving or consuming large quantities of food; exceedingly eager or avid
I'll be honest. I had never heard of any of these (which makes me want to retract what I said earlier about having a vast vocabulary). They're fun words to say though, right? They're even more fun to use. I think I'm going to make it a point to use all of them as often as possible for the rest of the week.
Oh yeah--I'm not being mendacious about dying my hair either. I may even put some purple in it (totally contumacious, right?). Like one of my new favorite celebrities--Katy Perry.
(by the way, she's a really lucky lady to be married to Russell Brand, because he's a total babe.)
Anyway, I'm donating plasma in the morning which I feel takes a certain degree of sagaciousness, but I'm not feeling very voracious about it, because the last time I did, I had a citrate reaction. Which was really horrible (we're talking top 5 most horrible experiences ever in the history of my being). But that's another story for another post on a different day.
I'll be honest. I had never heard of any of these (which makes me want to retract what I said earlier about having a vast vocabulary). They're fun words to say though, right? They're even more fun to use. I think I'm going to make it a point to use all of them as often as possible for the rest of the week.
Oh yeah--I'm not being mendacious about dying my hair either. I may even put some purple in it (totally contumacious, right?). Like one of my new favorite celebrities--Katy Perry.
(by the way, she's a really lucky lady to be married to Russell Brand, because he's a total babe.)
Anyway, I'm donating plasma in the morning which I feel takes a certain degree of sagaciousness, but I'm not feeling very voracious about it, because the last time I did, I had a citrate reaction. Which was really horrible (we're talking top 5 most horrible experiences ever in the history of my being). But that's another story for another post on a different day.
Monday, March 21, 2011
blow away
i recently mentioned this pandora radio station i found that i really really love. i don't remember what it was, but i started downloading some songs that i really love from there. one of them was a song from a fine frenzy called "blow away". i watched the official video and can i just say that alison sudol is so freakin adorable? if you can't agree with me, watch this video and i promise that you will! her songs in her new album make me so happy! it's all i listen to these days.
super cute huh! not to mention she's got a suuuuper fantastic voice! she's fun. i like her. anyway, i'm getting paid to blog now (just like my lovely auntie) so when you click those ads you see on the sidebars and such, i get money. it's really simple, so read my funny posts and then click on the ads. and then click on the link to my aunt's blog and read her cute posts and click on her ads. it'll be worth your time i swear! :)
my bracket is still intact, thankfully, but i have two huge chunks missing with pittsburgh and kansas st. eliminated. it breaks my heart honestly. but duke is still in (who is my champion by the way) so thank goodness for that. i thought they were screwed today though. i would've had a meltdown if they lost.
i guess there are some tennis matches going on right now. i feel like i should be watching them, but i don't even know when they're on. i pride myself on knowing about sports though, and since i know so little about tennis (and hockey) i think i should start learning. i took tennis lessons a few summers ago. that was interesting. my coach was so legit and taught me really well, but i don't think i got it down. i might as well have had a baseball bat in my hands instead of a racket. that's how awful my serve was. but i have some super cute tennis outfits and a really awesome racket to show for it, so i'll at least look the part! (i know what you're thinking..."what a poser"...i know right? it's awful!) maybe i'll take a tennis class again. or i'll find a hot man to teach me instead. i like that idea better. plus i can wear my cute tennis skirts for him. :)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
bracket challenge
i heard somewhere if you have a perfect bracket, you win like a million billion dollars from espn.
okay maybe not a million billion. but definitely a million i think. i think i would literally pee myself if i won a million dollars from filling out a piece of paper with a bunch of basketball teams. anyway, i am going to share my lack of knowledge about the NCAA teams with you and post my brackets. (i have two because i joined two different groups.)
let's hope i do well. not just for the sake of winning a million dollars, but for the sake of *not* looking like a fool. haha.
okay maybe not a million billion. but definitely a million i think. i think i would literally pee myself if i won a million dollars from filling out a piece of paper with a bunch of basketball teams. anyway, i am going to share my lack of knowledge about the NCAA teams with you and post my brackets. (i have two because i joined two different groups.)
let's hope i do well. not just for the sake of winning a million dollars, but for the sake of *not* looking like a fool. haha.
Monday, March 14, 2011
I used to make silly rules for me to follow in emergencies or when certain conditions just called for rules. Over the past few months though (maybe even years) I let go of all those rules. I feel like I sort of let my guard down because of it though, so I'm making new rules as well as reinforcing previous rules (which will have one of these "*" beside them). They will be enforced as soon as possible. Here are some I'm adding to my list:
- No long-distance relationships. EVER. *
- No dating anyone who is younger than I am.
- No dating anyone who is related to any of my closest friends (unless given permission first).
- No more being a "rescuer". (this rule can be ignored in case of emergencies)
- Always put myself first. (in the most unselfish way possible, of course)
That's what I have so far. They're very important to me. There will be no exceptions made unless I feel it is in my best interest (see rule #5).
Also, I was invited to join pinterest! (Told you Abby!) So naturally, I accepted the invitation. Check out my pinboard! There's not much there yet, but in a few days I'm sure I'll have tons.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
reading list
I'm reading "the Secret" right now (for like the 3rd time) and it talked about this book called "The Master Key System" by Charles Haanel. It was kind of a big deal in 1912 and seeing as I love most things that were before my time, it sounded like it could be a good read. So, I'm adding it to my list and fortunately, it can be downloaded for free on the internet (I'm guessing that's because it's like a hundred years old). I'm kind of excited to read it!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
dodging wrenches.
I started drawing and sketching again. I used to do it a lot in middle school and high school, but I stopped part way through high school. I've always loved art. I almost majored in it when I came back to school, but I didn't think I'd make much money in it because I didn't think I was very good. So I majored in exercise science instead. I do love what I study, but I feel like I've sort of lost my art skills. I guess we'll see what happens over the next few weeks, if I decide to continue to hone those skills.
I've been watching a TON of food network lately. I really want to be a better cook. The only problem with watching it is I get so hungry. It's so ridiculous! It doesn't even matter what they're cooking, even if it's something I hate. It still looks so delicious. I think if I knew how to cook things better, I would even start to love the things I hate. Ha.
Today was a special day. My school, BYU-Idaho, attempted to break the world record for world's largest dodgeball game. The current record is held by University of Alberta with 2,012 participants. I think the grand total during the game today was approximately 1,100? Anyway, we didn't make it. But I've never seen so many balls in my life. I got out within the first 15 minutes. Guess I'm not cut out for that game. Oh well.
Anyway, something that's been on my mind lately (as well as the majority of the world): Japan. I spend most of Friday reading a New York Times newsfeed about what had happened and what was being done about it. It is seriously insane and intense and heartbreaking. Among other things. But I know that Japan can get through this. Throughout many of the articles I read, so many people mentioned how calm the Japanese are about this despite how catastrophic things are. I don't know how calm I could be in that situation. And luckily, they're so smart to have such incredible architecture meant to withstand all that stuff. Of course there's still damage, but their skyscrapers are still hangin out like trees in the wind. It's amazing. Here's a picture I found that I thought was cool (even though it sucks they have a huge crack in their road now!).
I've been watching a TON of food network lately. I really want to be a better cook. The only problem with watching it is I get so hungry. It's so ridiculous! It doesn't even matter what they're cooking, even if it's something I hate. It still looks so delicious. I think if I knew how to cook things better, I would even start to love the things I hate. Ha.
Today was a special day. My school, BYU-Idaho, attempted to break the world record for world's largest dodgeball game. The current record is held by University of Alberta with 2,012 participants. I think the grand total during the game today was approximately 1,100? Anyway, we didn't make it. But I've never seen so many balls in my life. I got out within the first 15 minutes. Guess I'm not cut out for that game. Oh well.
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this is the alberta school. i'm not cool enough to have a picture of my own school. |
Crazy, right? Anyway, check out those links. They have some intense videos and informative updates. Oh and also, google made this people finder specifically for this natural disaster. If you know anyone in Japan, check it out. It's genius.
My thoughts and prayers continue to go out to the Japanese. I also hope I can find other ways to be of help.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
"bring your bff to work" day
i'm sitting in the austin building's secretary office where my bff works. this building smells like metal, grease, oil, wood, and all wrapped in one. i have only been in this building once, and it was to drop off a car for the automechanics class. i remember i got lost. today though, mellie showed me the way. i doubt i could find my way back though. and i'm pretty sure the boys outnumber the girls 30 to 1. maybe even more. mellie has like 80% of her classes in here. lucky.
my classes are everywhere. except next semester 2 of my classes will be on a river because i'm taking fly fishing and canoeing. cool huh? i've always wanted to learn how to fly fish. can you imagine me with a giant pole trying to catch fish with fake flies? haha. i'm afraid i'm going to hook someone in the face. canoeing could be fun. mostly i just picked it because it was one of the only other ones that would fit into my schedule. i really wanted rock climbing though. oh well. guess i'll have to learn another time. i'm also signed up to take clothing construction. apparently, i will be learning to make a pillowcase, some pants with an elastic band, a collared shirt, and something else that i will never use or wear. ha. but, it means i'm one step closer to making my romper! i decided it would be beneficial to take a money management class. i am told i will be several steps ahead of my generation from the knowledge i will gain in there.
today is gorgeous. i mean, for rexburg. it's still a little chilly, but i might go longboarding today! i really want to anyway. i just need to find a place where there are NO HILLS because otherwise, i'll probably die. i can't longboard on hills yet. nor can i brake. i just jump off. something to improve on i guess.
anyway, that's all for now. i'm gonna draw a picture with my new markers!
my classes are everywhere. except next semester 2 of my classes will be on a river because i'm taking fly fishing and canoeing. cool huh? i've always wanted to learn how to fly fish. can you imagine me with a giant pole trying to catch fish with fake flies? haha. i'm afraid i'm going to hook someone in the face. canoeing could be fun. mostly i just picked it because it was one of the only other ones that would fit into my schedule. i really wanted rock climbing though. oh well. guess i'll have to learn another time. i'm also signed up to take clothing construction. apparently, i will be learning to make a pillowcase, some pants with an elastic band, a collared shirt, and something else that i will never use or wear. ha. but, it means i'm one step closer to making my romper! i decided it would be beneficial to take a money management class. i am told i will be several steps ahead of my generation from the knowledge i will gain in there.
today is gorgeous. i mean, for rexburg. it's still a little chilly, but i might go longboarding today! i really want to anyway. i just need to find a place where there are NO HILLS because otherwise, i'll probably die. i can't longboard on hills yet. nor can i brake. i just jump off. something to improve on i guess.
anyway, that's all for now. i'm gonna draw a picture with my new markers!
remember these? mr. sketch scented markers? Mmm... |
What is your dirty little secret?
i have several. which would you like the hear?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Who do you txt message with the most?
it varies from day to day honestly. but overall, i would say i text my bff melanie the most. :)
WHO are you datinggggg?!?!?!? -pp :)
currently, i'm not really dating anyone. i'm just trying to focus on graduating right now. but we will see after i finish school! :) love you pp!!!!
number 100 on mardi gras
Today is one of those days where I feel like finding excuses to not do homework and just play instead. Luckily, Mardi Gras has provided to be my excuse for me. Me and Melanie are making pina-coladas (with 7up--pomegranate style) mixed with some kind of juice she has. I don't really know what it is. We also rented a movie last night (Chloe) fo freeeeeee which we are going to watch while eating bruschetta pizza and bbq chips with cottage cheese. That last one probably sounds gross, but it's not. I promise. I also have some legit Mardi Gras beads from my Nawlins trip in high school. AND a couple years ago, I bought this sexy real-life Margi Gras mask for this masquerade party my friends planned. I still have it, soooo I will be wearing that. Along with my beads. And just in case you're wondering, I won't make anyone flash me if they want to wear my beads, too. Nor will I be flashing anyone. Ha. :)
One of my best friends just got home from her mission last week! I'm so proud of her! She's coming to visit Rexburg next week and I absolutely cannot wait! She's an angel and it's been sooo long since I've seen her. She's a really great example to me and I'm so happy to be able to call her my friend. I love her to pieces. Here is a picture of me and her :) It was taken the summer before she left on her mission. It was a pretty epic summer. She helped me through a lot of stuff that year and I will be forever grateful for that. :)
One of my best friends just got home from her mission last week! I'm so proud of her! She's coming to visit Rexburg next week and I absolutely cannot wait! She's an angel and it's been sooo long since I've seen her. She's a really great example to me and I'm so happy to be able to call her my friend. I love her to pieces. Here is a picture of me and her :) It was taken the summer before she left on her mission. It was a pretty epic summer. She helped me through a lot of stuff that year and I will be forever grateful for that. :)
Oh yeah by the way, this is my 100th post! Congratulations to me! It's finally happened! Ha. I never thought this day would come honestly. Guess now I can print off my first 100 and make it into a sweet little book. That's what you're supposed to do right? I'm sure my grandma would loovvve it if I did that. She'd probably want to help me. Which would be awesome. Anyway, Happy 100th! To me, and my BFF Mellie. She just posted her 100th as well! :)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
reading list
Okay. This is my last post for the night, I promise. I am going to start this new thing where I find books I want to read, and I tell you guys what they are. Mostly so I can remember them for future reference. And maybe so you guys can get a good read in. If you don't know how to read though, I'm sorry, and I hope whoever reads to you is good at it, otherwise my posts are gonna be really boring.
baseball + marilyn = possibly the best book ever...maybe?
baseball + marilyn = possibly the best book ever...maybe?
Saturday, March 5, 2011
little obsession
I came across some fantastic ideas for decorating earlier this evening. They're so beautiful and fun, I couldn't resist sharing them with you all. My hope is that one day, I'll have a home (or apartment) as beautiful as some of these pictures.
doesn't this bed look AMAZINGGG?? |
I love the wall art. and the light. |
pretty woman
I turned on the tv this evening after a workout, and Pretty Woman and Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade were both on at the same time! Unbelievable right??? Unfortunately, it was like the last 15 minutes of Indiana Jones so I was sorta bummed about that. Oh yeah Bug's Life is on too. Which is my favorite Pixar movie. The caterpillar is my favorite. Tuck & Roll are pretty funny too. When I was little I used to make the rolly poleys roll up (whether they liked it or not!), and then I'd flick them. I'd never kill them, though I imagine it didn't feel very good to be flicked all the way across the sidewalk.
I found something else I want to do when I graduate. I want to make clothes. Not like... extravagant fancy things. Just sort of...revamping clothes I already have. Like this chick did with this shirt. I think that I could be good at it. Of course I'd have to start small. Just like the shirt. It seems pretty simple. But someday, maybe I could make something like this:
I may have to go to DI soon to check out the over-sized t-shirt selection so I can start practicing. Ha! I probably need a sewing machine though huh... Guess that's why I'm waiting till after I graduate to do all these things.
Speaking of graduation though, I just went over my graduation plan today and it's all set. I only need 4 more classes and I'm DONE! It's seriously so exciting! I have such a good feeling :) I only have to take 10 credits next semester. I'll probably take a joke class though since I technically have to be full-time and all. Which means I'll more than likely take a couple exercise classes or an art class. I'm leaning more towards the art class though. Or... maybe I'll take a sewing class! That would be tight. Right now, I'm taking fly fishing, canoeing, experiential education/adventure challenge, and persuasion. All are required. I wanted to take rock climbing, but it wouldn't fit into my schedule. Maybe when I move to Colorado I'll take a class.
Anyway, can't wait to graduate. :)
I found something else I want to do when I graduate. I want to make clothes. Not like... extravagant fancy things. Just sort of...revamping clothes I already have. Like this chick did with this shirt. I think that I could be good at it. Of course I'd have to start small. Just like the shirt. It seems pretty simple. But someday, maybe I could make something like this:
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an over-sized shirt made into a romper! sooo cute! |
Speaking of graduation though, I just went over my graduation plan today and it's all set. I only need 4 more classes and I'm DONE! It's seriously so exciting! I have such a good feeling :) I only have to take 10 credits next semester. I'll probably take a joke class though since I technically have to be full-time and all. Which means I'll more than likely take a couple exercise classes or an art class. I'm leaning more towards the art class though. Or... maybe I'll take a sewing class! That would be tight. Right now, I'm taking fly fishing, canoeing, experiential education/adventure challenge, and persuasion. All are required. I wanted to take rock climbing, but it wouldn't fit into my schedule. Maybe when I move to Colorado I'll take a class.
Anyway, can't wait to graduate. :)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
sun-kissed faces.
I was looking at some photos today from summa time and it makes me really anxious and excited for SUMMER!
Here are some of my favorite things about summer :)
Here are some of my favorite things about summer :)
road trips! |
bike rides |
ferris wheels |
amusement parks |
fireworks/4th of july |
fountains and water parks |
bathin' suits! |
bff moments |
flowers |
baseball (kittens are good any time of the year) |
bonfires |
seashells by the seashore |
swimmingg |
boys taking their shirts offffffff |
cute wayfarers |
Beaches! |
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