Well. Obviously, since you're seeing this picture it means I probably just saw the movie. Well. That is true. I saw it last night annnnd it was SOOOO GOOOOOOOOOD! Ohmygoodness I absolutely loved it! It was definitely not what I expected at all, and everyone in it did fantastic. I really would see it again. and maybe even again after that. This movie was really the highlight of my weekend. Butttttt lucky for you guys, my life isn't all that boring and I do have other stories for you...
I'm gonna tell you about the boring stuff first though because I know some of you are wondering about my schooling and everything. WELL. It's realllly hard. But I'm surviving! Which is always comforting. And my current definition of surviving is that I am completing all my assignments, doing as much of the reading I can handle, and I'm NOT texting in class! (I know... seriously a miracle.) Oh and in my Recreation Leadership class on friday, this REAL LIFE mountain came into my class! He really is a mountain man. I feel bad, cuz he gave a really great speech, but I don't remember his name. But he had a really crazy beard, a hat, a bandana, all these crazy tools, a vest, I mean.... he was legit. It was rad. Okay so now that the school part is over....
Some of you know (but others don't, mostly because they would fear for my safety), I just bought a longboard. I know. Crazy. Sorta. I've never actually "skated" a day in my life, until maybe march? A friend of mine taught me to longboard. I've always wanted to learn how, and I finally did! And then a couple weeks ago, I had a short-lived addiction to ebay, and I decided I would buy a longboard. Because, let's be honest, I wouldn't get better any other way! It's sat against my wall for a little over a week now, and I kept looking at it thinking "hey i should prolly take her out and try riding..." but then I wouldn't. Well. I finally did. And those of you who know me well, know that I don't always have the greatest coordination and balance. Haha. Yesterday (saturday), I rode my longboard to the gas station to get one of those cheap 44 oz drinks (Horkleys!). I don't even think I thought about how I would get back with it...But, I'm sitting here now, and I can honestly tell you, I am uninjured. Aside from a couple of scrapes on my ankles where in between riding and walking, the board hit them and stuff. Ohhh... and. This is really sad guys. On a portion of my journey back (I made it to the gas station with no problem at all!), I sorta slipped at little tiny bit and I dropped my coke. Ughhhh!! It was so awful. Coke was alllll over the sidewalk. And people were up ahead and saw it, so when I rode up their direction they all said stuff like "hey sorry about your coke" and "smooth move" and stuff. Ha. So embarrassing. Whatever. I'm getting better.
What else. OH! So guessss what. Our school brought this pseudo-ABBA band here to put on a concert! And me and Melanie went! AHHH! It was sooooooooooooo MUCH FUN! I loveloveloved it! We danced in the aisles and danced in our seats and sang all the songs! It was so great! I lost my voice actually. Haha.
Welll... that was pretty much my weekend. Except for the part where I watched the Broncos KILL the Seahawks today. AMAZING. Hopefully my fantasy team did well. Haha.