's been a while since I posted last! Sorry!
First off, my wonderfully lovely aunt Abby tagged me in a fun little "get to know you" thing a while back, and so first I'm gonna fill that out, then we'll see what else I have time for... :-)
3 Joys...
Snowboarding on fresh powder while rockin out to my favorite jams.
When there's a thunderstorm outside and I can just curl up in the covers and read a great book.
(It's hard to pick just three!!!)
Getting letters from my best friend in Tijuana. The mail takes forever to get to him and to get to me when he has the time to write, so when I do get that letter, it brings tears of pure joy to my face.
3 Fears...
The Dark. I suppose it's not really the dark itself but what's in it. And I have a very active imagination and so when those lights go off and I'm all alone, I can really freak myself out. :-\
Avalanches! I will probably never be caught in one (hopefully) unless I get that good at snowboarding that I can go in the back country, but thats not happening for a while. They're just wicked crazy, but I'm sure they're cool to watch.
Cougars. Pretty sure I wouldn't wanna be attacked from behind and ripped to shreds by a giant cat. My cat from TN has attacked me for no reason, enough for me to have a taste of what a mountain lion can do.
I have a few other fears worth mentioning, but not explaining--germ warfare, tornados, broken bones/sprains...
3 Obsessions...
Traveling!!!! OHHHH MANNN do I wanna travel. ALL OVER!!! Istanbul, Europe, Australia, Romania, India, Egypt, Canada, Peru...Oh goodness it just goes on and on. Abby, we should travel TOGETHER!
Frank Sinatra. He is AMAZING. I love his voice, he has classic good looks, and he's a pretty good actor too. I could listen to him anyday and I'm pretty sure I have more memorabilia of him than anyone I know.
Shopping. I'm shopping even when I dont have money. I love a good deal, and I usually can't pass it up. Who can really? But I mean, its pretty bad. The most I've spent on myself in one shopping trip is about 500 bucks. Hm.. yeah.. you might call it an addiction. No es bueno. :-)
3 Goals...
To travel the world and learn all its history I can. After all, when we die, thats all we take with us--our knowledge. No money, clothes... Plus there are soooo many beautiful places in the world.
To get a wicked awesome degree! I can't believe how stoked I am about getting an education this school year. I'm gonna kick some serious rear too.
To be trilingual. That'd be so tight. I think I'm gonna shoot for Italian and German or something. Maybe Spanish. We'll see. :-)
3 Surprising Facts About Me...
Some people already know this, but its still kinda surprising in a weird way--I still have a baby tooth that I haven't lost. And the permanent one is lying in my gums in the front. I'll never lose it. And the permanent one will always stay where it is.
I snuck into the boys' on-campus dorms at BYUI my first year, at 2 am. Me and 3 other guys watched the 40 yr old virgin, and hung out till about 530 or 6. Hm...yeah...if I would've been caught... haha.
I am pretty obsessed with the human body and how it works. That subject usually occupies my mind about 65% of the day. Lucky for me, I can multi-task and think about other things too. haha.
I think that about does it! Hope you all enjoyed that. Feel free to do it too. It's pretty fun. Thanks Abby!
Unfortunately, I dont have anymore time cuz I have to clean and stuff. But...hopefully I'll be better about this...

Monday, July 7, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
School and what not...
School is almost out!!! I can't wait. I'm in my last week of real school and then I have 3 finals next week and then I'm DONE. It's gonna be such a great feeling. What I'm really looking forward to, is not the fact that school is getting out, but that once school is out, I'll be moving to Colorado soon after to work and save money for schooooolll! I'm just really anxious to get out West..It's where I belong I think.
I've recently had 2 aspirations come to mind--
1. I want to be a stuntwoman.
2. I want to write a book.
I haven't thought about how I'm going to do either of these things yet, but I'm pretty determined to accomplish them. I haven't the slightest idea of what I would write about or who should be included in my story or anything of that sort, but it's gonna be awesome.
As far as being a stuntwoman goes, the reason I chose that to add to my list of things to do/be in my life is because I was trying to think of a way I could be on movie sets or something. I was reading Stephanie Meyer's blog about how she gets to go on the Twilight movie set and how she loves that and I was like "I wanna go on a movie set!" So...I'm going to be a stuntwoman. Cuz that's how I could be on a movie set.
Who knows though...I might change my mind in like...3 wks.
But then again, I could write a seriously amazing novel and then it turn into a movie and me be one of the stuntpersons for it! HA. how sick would that be...
I've recently had 2 aspirations come to mind--
1. I want to be a stuntwoman.
2. I want to write a book.
I haven't thought about how I'm going to do either of these things yet, but I'm pretty determined to accomplish them. I haven't the slightest idea of what I would write about or who should be included in my story or anything of that sort, but it's gonna be awesome.
As far as being a stuntwoman goes, the reason I chose that to add to my list of things to do/be in my life is because I was trying to think of a way I could be on movie sets or something. I was reading Stephanie Meyer's blog about how she gets to go on the Twilight movie set and how she loves that and I was like "I wanna go on a movie set!" So...I'm going to be a stuntwoman. Cuz that's how I could be on a movie set.
Who knows though...I might change my mind in like...3 wks.
But then again, I could write a seriously amazing novel and then it turn into a movie and me be one of the stuntpersons for it! HA. how sick would that be...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I finally joined the Twilight bandwagon and bought the book a few weeks ago...I wasn't planning on joining it so soon, but the book was like 10 bucks so I was like "hey why not.." I just decided I'd read it over the summer along with the other two so when the final book came out, I'd be caught up and read it with the millions of other people...
Well, my plans changed...unsuspectingly. I hadn't read a book in a while--the last one I read was "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom (amazing book by the way for those of you who haven't heard of it or read it). So I was kinda lookin for something to read and then all of the sudden I REALLY REALLY wanted to read Twilight. I kinda fought myself for a second and thought "I was gonna read that this summer though.." but my sudden urge to read it won though..and I started that day. This was...last thursday?? yeah.
So over the next 3 days I read through the book very quickly--1. It was BRILLIANT and I couldn't put it down 2. I fell in love with the book and its characters very quickly just like everyone else I've talked to about this book. 3. I had 3 tests coming up consecutively--monday, tuesday, and wednesday. So i had to finish it so I wouldn't be distracted while I studied. Saturday I had to work all day but as soon as I got home I started reading. I figured I'd just read a chapter or two since I had to get up early for church. So those 2 chapters quickly turned into about ten and midnight quickly turned into 5 am...I completely lost track of time and even though I wasn't tired and wanted to keep reading, I went to bed. It takes quite a lot for a book to do that to me and it doesnt happen very often. The last book that did that was the final book in Harry Potter.
Anyway, I finished Monday night while I was at work and as soon as I got home I ordered the 2nd and 3rd books from I also looked up Stephanie Meyer's website to look for information on Twilight and the upcoming movie which I am now totally stoked for and cannot wait! I saw the cast list too and am pretty impressed and satisfied with their choices...of course, I can only base that on their looks alone but as you can see from the picture, I'd say these people couldn't look more perfect for their characters! :-)
Unfortunately, even though I finished Twilight, I was still distracted. But I still managed to study pretty well. I'm pretty determined to find me an Edward Cullen of my own now...haha. Hopefully, whoever he is, he'll exceed my expectations and some new found standards. haha. I'm just kidding, my obsession isn't that bad..but its bad enough that I've decided to read the book again! I'm sure I'll catch more detail this time and the story will probably even be more perfect! Thanks to all those who encouraged me to read/buy it!
Check out Stephanie Meyer's website for Twilight--
Thursday, April 3, 2008
To Feel Accepted...
I finally got reaccepted into BYUI!!! It was such a great feeling and an amazing day.
A week after getting denied for fall semester, I applied again, and thankfully, only really had to fill out one section of the application. But I was kind of skeptical about everything because I had been denied the week before--I was really unsure about whether or not this was what I was supposed to be doing. Plus, I was wicked stressed out because I really wanted to find out about my acceptance or not because that was basically going to decided what the rest of my plans were...
So 2 days after I applied the 3rd time, I prayed to Heavenly Father asking if it was really the right thing to do, and if I was doing everything necessary to figure it all out.
The VERY NEXT DAY, I received an email from admissions telling me they had reached a decision about my acceptance! I was SO friggin nervous..especially since the email sent me to a completely different website ( and I had to sign in and go through a couple different pages before I found the right one. And then I couldn't even find where it said whether or not I got in! I was freakin out! But then I found it and it said "Admitted!" and I seriously was all smiles for the rest of the day!
I went visiting teaching later that evening, and my companion, Sister Thompson, was like "okay Rachael, you have a huge smile on your face...what's going on..." haha.
I just know that the Lord answers our prayers no matter what...and especially fast when it's His will and He knows you're doing your part and you have that desire to do the right thing! :-)
A week after getting denied for fall semester, I applied again, and thankfully, only really had to fill out one section of the application. But I was kind of skeptical about everything because I had been denied the week before--I was really unsure about whether or not this was what I was supposed to be doing. Plus, I was wicked stressed out because I really wanted to find out about my acceptance or not because that was basically going to decided what the rest of my plans were...
So 2 days after I applied the 3rd time, I prayed to Heavenly Father asking if it was really the right thing to do, and if I was doing everything necessary to figure it all out.
The VERY NEXT DAY, I received an email from admissions telling me they had reached a decision about my acceptance! I was SO friggin nervous..especially since the email sent me to a completely different website ( and I had to sign in and go through a couple different pages before I found the right one. And then I couldn't even find where it said whether or not I got in! I was freakin out! But then I found it and it said "Admitted!" and I seriously was all smiles for the rest of the day!
I went visiting teaching later that evening, and my companion, Sister Thompson, was like "okay Rachael, you have a huge smile on your face...what's going on..." haha.
I just know that the Lord answers our prayers no matter what...and especially fast when it's His will and He knows you're doing your part and you have that desire to do the right thing! :-)
Thursday, March 20, 2008

SO...this is my first blog post ever on! It's been like 2 wks since I got this, but I've barely had any time to even check my email. I've been busy tryin to figure out my present school situation and my future school situation. Both are extremely crazy, but I think I've got everything figured out at this point...
As soon as I got home from my Spring Break trip I felt really really strongly that I should go back to BYUI. Most of you know that I was pretty torn between massage therapy and BYUI when I was in Utah. I've just been praying about this for a while and I knew that both were good decisions, but I didn't know what the best choice was. But when I got home, it was crystal clear.
So the next day I got to work on the application process and tried to figure out what I needed to do to get accepted. Unfortunately, I found out that I missed the deadline for fall semester by 9 DAYS! The deadline was March 1st. I was seriously so distraught. But the dude was like," well, you can try and get it appealed, but chances are they won't approve it." I was like THANKS! so much for your super awesome optimism buddy! Seriously. Anyway, he told me the website for the appeal thing. I got everything in that day (March 10th) except for my eccliastical endorsement. EVERYTHING. My appeal essay was SUPERB. FLAWLESS. EPIC! I even got my transcript request in just as the office closed at 4:30. A few days later, I met with my Bishop and got the endorsement out of the way.
So ever since last Monday, I have been waiting to get an answer back from the Admissions department concerning my appeal. This committee of students and/or teachers, I'm not sure which, or how many, reviews my appeal and stuff within 2 weeks and then decides whether or not I should be admitted. And unless you know somebody, your chances are pretty slim. But I took a chance and felt pretty confident about it.
I got a phone call today from Heidi in the admissions department. My appeal was denied.
Talk about the shattering somebody's dreams...
She told me I could apply for Winter Semester though...
I haven't figured out my next step yet unfortunately.
My options consist of living there anyway and just working, living in Colorado and working until Winter Semester, or...I dunno. I'll keep you posted. That's the point of these, right? ha ha. ;-)
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