SO...this is my first blog post ever on blogger.com! It's been like 2 wks since I got this, but I've barely had any time to even check my email. I've been busy tryin to figure out my present school situation and my future school situation. Both are extremely crazy, but I think I've got everything figured out at this point...
As soon as I got home from my Spring Break trip I felt really really strongly that I should go back to BYUI. Most of you know that I was pretty torn between massage therapy and BYUI when I was in Utah. I've just been praying about this for a while and I knew that both were good decisions, but I didn't know what the best choice was. But when I got home, it was crystal clear.
So the next day I got to work on the application process and tried to figure out what I needed to do to get accepted. Unfortunately, I found out that I missed the deadline for fall semester by 9 DAYS! The deadline was March 1st. I was seriously so distraught. But the dude was like," well, you can try and get it appealed, but chances are they won't approve it." I was like THANKS! so much for your super awesome optimism buddy! Seriously. Anyway, he told me the website for the appeal thing. I got everything in that day (March 10th) except for my eccliastical endorsement. EVERYTHING. My appeal essay was SUPERB. FLAWLESS. EPIC! I even got my transcript request in just as the office closed at 4:30. A few days later, I met with my Bishop and got the endorsement out of the way.
So ever since last Monday, I have been waiting to get an answer back from the Admissions department concerning my appeal. This committee of students and/or teachers, I'm not sure which, or how many, reviews my appeal and stuff within 2 weeks and then decides whether or not I should be admitted. And unless you know somebody, your chances are pretty slim. But I took a chance and felt pretty confident about it.
I got a phone call today from Heidi in the admissions department. My appeal was denied.
Talk about the shattering somebody's dreams...
She told me I could apply for Winter Semester though...
I haven't figured out my next step yet unfortunately.
My options consist of living there anyway and just working, living in Colorado and working until Winter Semester, or...I dunno. I'll keep you posted. That's the point of these, right? ha ha. ;-)
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