I finally joined the Twilight bandwagon and bought the book a few weeks ago...I wasn't planning on joining it so soon, but the book was like 10 bucks so I was like "hey why not.." I just decided I'd read it over the summer along with the other two so when the final book came out, I'd be caught up and read it with the millions of other people...
Well, my plans changed...unsuspectingly. I hadn't read a book in a while--the last one I read was "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom (amazing book by the way for those of you who haven't heard of it or read it). So I was kinda lookin for something to read and then all of the sudden I REALLY REALLY wanted to read Twilight. I kinda fought myself for a second and thought "I was gonna read that this summer though.." but my sudden urge to read it won though..and I started that day. This was...last thursday?? yeah.
So over the next 3 days I read through the book very quickly--1. It was BRILLIANT and I couldn't put it down 2. I fell in love with the book and its characters very quickly just like everyone else I've talked to about this book. 3. I had 3 tests coming up consecutively--monday, tuesday, and wednesday. So i had to finish it so I wouldn't be distracted while I studied. Saturday I had to work all day but as soon as I got home I started reading. I figured I'd just read a chapter or two since I had to get up early for church. So those 2 chapters quickly turned into about ten and midnight quickly turned into 5 am...I completely lost track of time and even though I wasn't tired and wanted to keep reading, I went to bed. It takes quite a lot for a book to do that to me and it doesnt happen very often. The last book that did that was the final book in Harry Potter.
Anyway, I finished Monday night while I was at work and as soon as I got home I ordered the 2nd and 3rd books from amazon.com. I also looked up Stephanie Meyer's website to look for information on Twilight and the upcoming movie which I am now totally stoked for and cannot wait! I saw the cast list too and am pretty impressed and satisfied with their choices...of course, I can only base that on their looks alone but as you can see from the picture, I'd say these people couldn't look more perfect for their characters! :-)
Unfortunately, even though I finished Twilight, I was still distracted. But I still managed to study pretty well. I'm pretty determined to find me an Edward Cullen of my own now...haha. Hopefully, whoever he is, he'll exceed my expectations and some new found standards. haha. I'm just kidding, my obsession isn't that bad..but its bad enough that I've decided to read the book again! I'm sure I'll catch more detail this time and the story will probably even be more perfect! Thanks to all those who encouraged me to read/buy it!
Check out Stephanie Meyer's website for Twilight--
I knew you would love it. When you got it at Costco I was dying for you to start reading it cause I knew you would love it but you weren't interested quite yet. :)
yeah i know..i guess i just wasn't sold on it yet..but i'm so glad i finally did read it..
can i also just say that the movie cullen family is hardly what i would call beautiful? they all look like they are wearing wigs.
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