Wednesday, December 12, 2012

so this is christmas

it's that time of year again.

and i have a lot to be thankful for. and as i watch everyone else during this holiday season, i realize how thankful i am to not have so much on my plate.

for one, it's finals week! i was beginning to miss school, but now that i see the torture of the week of finals (more like 2 weeks), i am having flashbacks of the horror and pain i once experienced 3x a year. so to say i am thrilled to not be a student, would be quite the understatement.

then there's the holiday shopping (yuck). having been in retail for the past umpteen years (okay not that long, 7 years is still long), i have tried to stay away from the hell of holiday sales and specials. i have succeeded in not being the consumer during this time, but now i am also too poor to even try. ha! that is why i am so happy there is ebay and amazon.

aside from my sarcasm though, i must say, i am incredibly blessed this year. having moved to a distant land to satisfy my need of adventure and love, i have had many a high and many a low. but nevertheless, i have friends, i have family, and i have a roof over my head and food in my belly (well, most of the time). yes, it is difficult to be on my own post-college, but i have prevailed. and if we all make it past next friday (the end of the world, remember?), then 2013 is gonna be a blast.

with those things being said, i have some news for all of you:

  • i will be going back to school. perhaps in the summer though. because...
  • i am unemployed as of late. tragic, yes. but all i can do is move on and be thankful for what i have. (and apply for every job in the city of reno and surrounding areas) until i find that perfect job,
  • i will be working on my second job and my social media sites (twitter, tumblr, and my other blog)
and since i got nothin' but time, i'll be able to devote more time to all you wonderful people!

btw, i will be doing some kind of giveaway pretty soon, so stay tuned! and tell your friends!

follow me!

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