It is so cold in Rexburg! It is literally a frozen tundra here annnnd I think I'm allergic to this place! (totally joking of course)
I learned how to do a fishtail braid last night! It's so so easy and I love it. I learned how from this really easy tutorial. I've done it 3x times now. I think I'm getting quite good at it.
Kieffer was in this comic show tonight that was kinda like Whose Line Is It Anyway. It was really good! He, of course, was very funny. It was kind of an audition for a bigger show that will essentially be the same thing. AND he was one of FOUR to move on up! :) He's SO involved here. It's ridiculous.
I found this really great pandora station and I highly recommend you listen to it. The artist name is Laura Marling.
She resembles a lot of Regina Spektor. Kind of. Anyway. It's pretty chill stuff. I love it.
Chemistry blows still. But I really love my teacher! He's very funny. And so so helpful! Makes my life a lot less stressful! I think I really like my classes. I guess I'm still deciding. Baseball Theory is by FAR my favorite. It's the one class where I don't get side-tracked or distracted. My teacher played for the Padres and the Twins once upon a time so he has TONSSSS of stories! It's awesome.
I get to play basketball with kids with disabilities once a week. They're cool. Funny. One of the girls asked me to make a bracelet for her and her niece. Haha. Another girl really likes that I'm from Nashville because that's where Hannah Montana lives.
I think in another life I'd like to be one of the Lost Boys. Maybe they'd accept girls.

Friday, January 14, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
First Week Of School
So... obviously it's pretty clear...the first week of school has come to an end. It's pretty exciting. Especially because it's my second to last semester. I can't even wait. I'm so over school. The learning part it cool. But I guess I'm just over Rexburg. Don't get me wrong, it's been good to me, but I really feel like college would've been a little more enjoyable if I could've like...gone to a different school each semester. Experience other states? I dunno. I think that's the "senioritis" in me talking. I've been a senior for like...2 semesters now? Maybe. I'm not sure. School is just one big blur to me right now. I'm so glad my classes worked out though! I've had several sighs of relief in the past couple days. It feels good finally be able to breathe! Ha.
Everyone keeps asking me what I would like to do and where I'd like to go when I'm done with school. In case you, "reader", are wondering as well, I have no idea. I want to travel. That's all I know. But that takes money and lots of planning. The planning part I can do, but the money part is harder because...again...I'm in school. I've been reading Eat Pray Love lately. It's sort of torture. Because when I read it, all I want to do is pick up and move to Italy. Unfortunately, I have to endure the torture for a little while longer.
Anyway, Kieffer is here at school! It's been fun so far. I've missed him. It really feels like he never left though. He's still the same funny dude that left a couple years ago. Except he knows another language now. Ha. I hope he makes lots of friends. He deserves the best college experience ever. Somehow, he's managed to find two jobs already. One with my help, though (art modeling ha). He may even find a scholarship? Crazy! He's a pretty stellar dude. and proactive.
I guess I should update my relationship, too. Cuz I know you all are wondering how it's going! :)'s wonderful. and exceptionally difficult! Long distance is never easy, though I feel like I handle it a little better than other people. Maybe. I've been in a couple long-distance relationships, and this one by far has been the hardest. I blame Jake. Because he drives me so crazy. In all the best ways (hehe!). He is an amazing person and I feel so fortunate to be apart of his life. I'm definitely a lucky girl. I don't know how well he knows that. I wish we weren't so far away from one another so I could actually express to him in person how much I appreciate him. And I really feel our relationship would be 10x what it is now..
Wellllll thats all for now! It's friday and I got a lot of socializing to catch up on!
Everyone keeps asking me what I would like to do and where I'd like to go when I'm done with school. In case you, "reader", are wondering as well, I have no idea. I want to travel. That's all I know. But that takes money and lots of planning. The planning part I can do, but the money part is harder because...again...I'm in school. I've been reading Eat Pray Love lately. It's sort of torture. Because when I read it, all I want to do is pick up and move to Italy. Unfortunately, I have to endure the torture for a little while longer.
Anyway, Kieffer is here at school! It's been fun so far. I've missed him. It really feels like he never left though. He's still the same funny dude that left a couple years ago. Except he knows another language now. Ha. I hope he makes lots of friends. He deserves the best college experience ever. Somehow, he's managed to find two jobs already. One with my help, though (art modeling ha). He may even find a scholarship? Crazy! He's a pretty stellar dude. and proactive.
I guess I should update my relationship, too. Cuz I know you all are wondering how it's going! :)'s wonderful. and exceptionally difficult! Long distance is never easy, though I feel like I handle it a little better than other people. Maybe. I've been in a couple long-distance relationships, and this one by far has been the hardest. I blame Jake. Because he drives me so crazy. In all the best ways (hehe!). He is an amazing person and I feel so fortunate to be apart of his life. I'm definitely a lucky girl. I don't know how well he knows that. I wish we weren't so far away from one another so I could actually express to him in person how much I appreciate him. And I really feel our relationship would be 10x what it is now..
Wellllll thats all for now! It's friday and I got a lot of socializing to catch up on!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Resolve to Resolve.
I had to start out the new year with the traditional new year's blog!
2010 has been a crazy one with lots adventures and tons of lessons. I have been very blessed and I am very grateful for everything that has happened to me thus far in my life. Especially this past year, since it is so fresh in my mind. I have had a lot of experiences that I will never forget, nor do I regret. There have been lots of ups (and realllly really great ups) and lots of downs (some really terrible downs). But overall, 2010 has been a happy one. And, as this year has closed and a new one has started, I know I have a lot to look forward to. :)
This year, in 2011, I decided not to make too many resolutions. If anything, I just want to resolve to live life in such a way that makes me happy--to make decisions because it's what I want to do, not just what others want to do. I resolve to strive to be the best version of myself and to influence others to be the same. I resolve to put forth my best efforts (which includes graduating in July! finally!). And I also would like to read more. For myself. Not for others, or for a class or anything. Just for me. I really don't think I read enough, and I have a ton of books in my room that have only served the purpose of collecting dust. I started Eat Pray Love today. I loved the movie, so of course I had to read the book. But it is only going to increase my desire to travel. Which is something else I resolve to do. My plans after graduation include traveling. I'm not sure when those adventures will begin, but it will definitely be this year. :) And for now, those are all my resolutions (aside from the usual "lose the holiday weight" because it really is happening. for real.).
Anyway, before I end this thing and go get some cafe freakin rio with my family, I just wanted to share a few of my favorite memories from 2010...
I had to start out the new year with the traditional new year's blog!
2010 has been a crazy one with lots adventures and tons of lessons. I have been very blessed and I am very grateful for everything that has happened to me thus far in my life. Especially this past year, since it is so fresh in my mind. I have had a lot of experiences that I will never forget, nor do I regret. There have been lots of ups (and realllly really great ups) and lots of downs (some really terrible downs). But overall, 2010 has been a happy one. And, as this year has closed and a new one has started, I know I have a lot to look forward to. :)
This year, in 2011, I decided not to make too many resolutions. If anything, I just want to resolve to live life in such a way that makes me happy--to make decisions because it's what I want to do, not just what others want to do. I resolve to strive to be the best version of myself and to influence others to be the same. I resolve to put forth my best efforts (which includes graduating in July! finally!). And I also would like to read more. For myself. Not for others, or for a class or anything. Just for me. I really don't think I read enough, and I have a ton of books in my room that have only served the purpose of collecting dust. I started Eat Pray Love today. I loved the movie, so of course I had to read the book. But it is only going to increase my desire to travel. Which is something else I resolve to do. My plans after graduation include traveling. I'm not sure when those adventures will begin, but it will definitely be this year. :) And for now, those are all my resolutions (aside from the usual "lose the holiday weight" because it really is happening. for real.).
Anyway, before I end this thing and go get some cafe freakin rio with my family, I just wanted to share a few of my favorite memories from 2010...
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