Welllll... it's the second day of my 30 day challenge. And I'm supposed to tell you why I chose to name my blog "rachael". Haha.
It's pretty simple really. My aunt, Abby, was telling me about her blog (which is so lovely by the way) that I had started following. She told me I should start one. I'm not really one for bandwagons (I say that even though I have a blogspot, a facebook, a tumblr, a stumble upon account, and am contemplating a twitter), but I thought hey maybe, but I wasn't really sure how to do it. Because let's be honest. Sometimes we look at blogs (at least I do) and think ohhh my heckkk--this looks so cool and complicated! But Abby told me and showed me how easy it was. She even set up an account for me (after I gave her permission, haha) and we even made it pretty. I During the account process, I had to come up with a name. I couldn't think of anything cool, so I just said "rachael" since I can always change it whenever I want. I've had it for 3(???) years now and I haven't changed it. So I dunno if I ever will. I'm open to suggestions though. And it really won't hurt my feelings.
Anyway, it's almost the weekend! Which means it's almost HALLOWEEN! YES! haha. Me and my BFF Mellie went to this "Zombie Apocalypse Walk" for the city of Rexburg. It was pretty epic. I mean, I think it might have been. We got there late. But we looked amazing. I took some pics on my fisheye, but I will post them soon. If you want to see them before then though, click on the link above cuz I'm sure they'll be on her blog soon. Ha.

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
You asked for it.
So many of you have probably been wondering how my lovely lil date went... so here's the story!
Intermittently during the day, we were making plans on what was going to go down (my friend asked me to go to a haunted house and I invited him to come along), who we were meeting up with and when, etc. I didn't really think it was going to be a real life date just because I asked him, and it was a big group thing, and yeah. So I was planning to pay for myself and we were just going to meet up with everyone by ourselves. Like we weren't going to go there together. Dumb I know. Anyway, the time came to meet up and my friend Stephanie (the girl who invited me int he first place) calls and says hey can you get a ride to this place. I was like ummm I don't think so because I don't have a car (I didn't want to ask Ben because I didn't think he would drive and again, I was the one who had asked him in the first place). But, I called him, and he was totally okay with it. During all this, my friend Liz came over cuz we were all supposed to meet up together anyway, and I knew she didn't have a ride so I told her to ride with me and Ben (which was totally okay in case any of you readers are wondering). So anyway, we meet up with Ben. We drive to the Haunted House (called Haunted Mill) chatting all the way. We get there and I'm already scared! But I brought these glow stick bracelets, which was awesome, and I even shared them with people. :-) Remember how I said I didn't think it was a date? Well I was totally prepared to pay for myself, but he just up and pays for both of us! *gasp* You can imagine how happy I felt inside. Haha. So we proceed through the entrance into everything frightening and spooky and he tells me to hold onto him and grabs my hand and links my arm with his. Ask me if I got butterflies. Yes. Yes I did. 100% added to my already enormous adrenaline rush. Is it bad that I wished a haunted house would never end? Because seriously, that's what I wanted. It was the closest thing I had to intimate physical contact with him. It was almost tortuous though because I knew it would end soon. Anyway, as soon as we got out, it was like my mini wonderland dreamworld was over because he let go of me and we drove home. I thanked him, and we parted ways.
I see him in class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. That date was like the beginning and the end of all things. My hopes of being Ben Burke's first girlfriend are gone. And I have given up. I now wave the white flag.
On a happier note though, my Halloween costume got finished over the past weekend, and I must say... I have outdone myself...
2. I have an addiction to diet pepsi.
3. I really love my bed. It's so comfy!
4. I love hot chocolate.
5. I now own a pair of yellow cat eye contacts (people get really creeped out by them haha).
6. I love Colorado more than any other state.
7. I picked up longboarding over the summer (and I love it).
8. I wish I had a green thumb, so I could grow one of these.
9. My favorite flowers are lilies and orchids.
10. I have a tumblr.
11. I think I have tendinitis (or tennis elbow, whichever you want to call it).
12. I want to travel. everywhere. SO BADLY.
13. I want to be a physical therapist for the Boston Red Sox.
14. I make friendship bracelets.
15. I love Steve Nash. He's a babe. and a baller.
Intermittently during the day, we were making plans on what was going to go down (my friend asked me to go to a haunted house and I invited him to come along), who we were meeting up with and when, etc. I didn't really think it was going to be a real life date just because I asked him, and it was a big group thing, and yeah. So I was planning to pay for myself and we were just going to meet up with everyone by ourselves. Like we weren't going to go there together. Dumb I know. Anyway, the time came to meet up and my friend Stephanie (the girl who invited me int he first place) calls and says hey can you get a ride to this place. I was like ummm I don't think so because I don't have a car (I didn't want to ask Ben because I didn't think he would drive and again, I was the one who had asked him in the first place). But, I called him, and he was totally okay with it. During all this, my friend Liz came over cuz we were all supposed to meet up together anyway, and I knew she didn't have a ride so I told her to ride with me and Ben (which was totally okay in case any of you readers are wondering). So anyway, we meet up with Ben. We drive to the Haunted House (called Haunted Mill) chatting all the way. We get there and I'm already scared! But I brought these glow stick bracelets, which was awesome, and I even shared them with people. :-) Remember how I said I didn't think it was a date? Well I was totally prepared to pay for myself, but he just up and pays for both of us! *gasp* You can imagine how happy I felt inside. Haha. So we proceed through the entrance into everything frightening and spooky and he tells me to hold onto him and grabs my hand and links my arm with his. Ask me if I got butterflies. Yes. Yes I did. 100% added to my already enormous adrenaline rush. Is it bad that I wished a haunted house would never end? Because seriously, that's what I wanted. It was the closest thing I had to intimate physical contact with him. It was almost tortuous though because I knew it would end soon. Anyway, as soon as we got out, it was like my mini wonderland dreamworld was over because he let go of me and we drove home. I thanked him, and we parted ways.
I see him in class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. That date was like the beginning and the end of all things. My hopes of being Ben Burke's first girlfriend are gone. And I have given up. I now wave the white flag.
On a happier note though, my Halloween costume got finished over the past weekend, and I must say... I have outdone myself...
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me and my roommates (Aubrey, Stacie, Jacqueline, ME, Mellie) |
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Me and my friend Liz |
There will be more to come :-)
PS--My BFF Mellie is doing this 30 day blog thing... and she told me I should do it too, so I am.
DAY ONE: The most recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
(My recent picture is posted above)
1. I really love Halloween.2. I have an addiction to diet pepsi.
3. I really love my bed. It's so comfy!
4. I love hot chocolate.
5. I now own a pair of yellow cat eye contacts (people get really creeped out by them haha).
6. I love Colorado more than any other state.
7. I picked up longboarding over the summer (and I love it).
8. I wish I had a green thumb, so I could grow one of these.
9. My favorite flowers are lilies and orchids.
10. I have a tumblr.
11. I think I have tendinitis (or tennis elbow, whichever you want to call it).
12. I want to travel. everywhere. SO BADLY.
13. I want to be a physical therapist for the Boston Red Sox.
14. I make friendship bracelets.
15. I love Steve Nash. He's a babe. and a baller.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
A friend invited me to read this. I've never met the author, but he delivers a powerful message. It hurts my heart trying to imagine what these boys went through in their last moments of life. Knowing that people are so cruel to those who just want to be themselves, to those who are children of God—whom He loves so much—it’s devastating. I hope we all can learn from these boys, and learn to love one another and be accepting to everyone despite their beliefs, or sexuality, or even race.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
so remember that blog about the whole asking a boy out and if it's okay or not? well, Heavenly Father granted me a little bit of courage yesterday annnnd I finally sucked it up and just plain old asked him! I thought I was going to pass out! But, it wasn't reallllly all that bad. Because.... he said yes! :-) I'm not even sure if he knows I intend for this to be a date, but I guess I really don't care because I will be spending the entire evening with this boy. And I'm sure you're alllll itchin as to how things went down, so here's the story:
Okay so I have two classes with this boy (one at 745 and one at 10) so I'm usually pretty excited to wake up at 630 so I can get all fixed up for class at 745 (weird I know). Well yesterday, I actually woke up at 10. on. the. dot. My alarm did not go off! And what's worse is I had a test in my 10 o' clock class! I don't think I've ever gotten ready so fast in my life. My lovely roommate Melanie took me to class thankfully, otherwise I would've been in so much trouble. The downside of being on time, was that I looked pretty awful. No shower. Luckily, I practically threw on makeup so I could look halfway decent. Anyway, class was good. Afterward though, I went home so I could actually get ready like I had originally planned at 630, so I could go back to campus and get stuff done, but also so I could hopefully run into this kid and redeem myself from the disaster I was earlier. Ha. I looked pretty good too. Just sayin. So I went to get lunch in the school cafeteria--no luck there--but I did see my sweet friend Jessica so that was good :-) I decided to go to the library cuz I needed to do some homework, where I ran into my friends Brady, Steffen, and Drew. Funny dudes. Anyway, I had class at 430 and around 420 I headed over there and on the way I sort of said a silent prayer? (If you wanna call it that anyway) Saying basically that if I saw him before class (it was really my last chance before class on wednesday) that I would ask him out. I walked into my class, put my stuff down, but walked back out with the intent on using the restroom. And lo and behold there he was. Like 30 feet from my class. Word. So I took my chance (I was really fidgety and shaky the whole time haha). I went down to talk to him and then just before I left I said "hey I'm going to the haunted mill tomorrow with Stephanie, would you like to come with me?" Annnnd he said he would! In my head I did one of those fist pumps. Haha.
So there it is ladies (I'm pretty sure no men read my blog). My epic tale of courage. I'm so nervous though! I haven't been on a first date in a lonnng time, let alone with someone I really really like. It's ridiculous--he's completely thrown me off my game (whatever my game is). I've been battling all day (so far) trying not to over-analyze and reminding myself just to have fun. That I'm a fun girl. Plus I personally think a haunted house is a great way to get close to someone. Seriously. I'm kind of banking on that tonight.
Wish me luck!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Let Them Eat CAKE.
I really want cake right now. I'm sitting in the library and this huge huge craving hit me. Of warm chocolaty moist goodness in my mouth. Fresh out of the oven. I'm basically starving right now, even though I ate lunch. I blame it on my new friend, Jayme, who made cake last night. I had two huge pieces. But I probably could've eaten the whole cake!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Everything In Transit
I just received an email from the Jack's Mannequin mailing list. This is what it said:
Jack's Mannequin has just announced that on December 7th, they will be rereleasing their debut album, Everything In Transit, on vinyl! This will be the first time the album has been reissued since its original August 2005 release. The reissued vinyl will include new artwork and sequencing, and will feature two new songs — an a cappella version of "Holiday" and "La La Lie (West Coast Winter version)".
Be sure to pre-order your copy starting TODAY October 7th! All pre-orders will be signed by Jack's Mannequin frontman Andrew McMahon. The pre-order begins at online vinyl retailer BecauseSoundMatters; with albums arriving on street date -- December 7th.
And guess who just preordered it!?! YEAH that would be ME! :)
I absolutely cannot wait for this package to come in the mail. This is the BEST DAY EVER!
I just received an email from the Jack's Mannequin mailing list. This is what it said:
Jack's Mannequin has just announced that on December 7th, they will be rereleasing their debut album, Everything In Transit, on vinyl! This will be the first time the album has been reissued since its original August 2005 release. The reissued vinyl will include new artwork and sequencing, and will feature two new songs — an a cappella version of "Holiday" and "La La Lie (West Coast Winter version)".
Be sure to pre-order your copy starting TODAY October 7th! All pre-orders will be signed by Jack's Mannequin frontman Andrew McMahon. The pre-order begins at online vinyl retailer BecauseSoundMatters; with albums arriving on street date -- December 7th.
And guess who just preordered it!?! YEAH that would be ME! :)
I absolutely cannot wait for this package to come in the mail. This is the BEST DAY EVER!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
What does sunshine sound like?
For whatever reason... my left leg aches! it's very uncomfortable... grr.
Anyway, that's not the reason I'm posting! I have a question!
Is there anything wrong with asking a boy out on date? Obviously I have a point to this... tee hee.
You see... there is a boy. in two of my classes. who I happen to be verry interested in..., I'm in this basic skills class for recreation management, and we went on a trip last week up in the Tetons. I made a joke about me being single on the way up to the trailhead, and from there it escalated into trying to get me and this kid to go on a date. I didn't want it to be awkward or anything, so I kind of...backed off a little bit? Anyway, now I'm genuinely interested, but I don't think he knows that I am. Especially since I backed off from before. So now, everyone in my class knows, but not him. And I reeallly wanna ask him on a date. I've always been pretty old-fashioned, and I still consider myself to be, but I've also never had to ask a dude on a date (I have always wanted to, but I've chickened out every time!). I have some people telling me it's not a good idea, which is fine, but I think in today's world, it's really anybody's game. Right? And another thing... is it too soon? I mean, on this trip, our group spent like...every hour together. Sorta. So I think it's an adequate amount of time before you go on a date with someone. The real question is: How in the world do I do this?
Shoot me a comment if you agree with me and/or have suggestions. Haha.
PS--I'm obsessed with this song. :-)
Anyway, that's not the reason I'm posting! I have a question!
Is there anything wrong with asking a boy out on date? Obviously I have a point to this... tee hee.
You see... there is a boy. in two of my classes. who I happen to be verry interested in..., I'm in this basic skills class for recreation management, and we went on a trip last week up in the Tetons. I made a joke about me being single on the way up to the trailhead, and from there it escalated into trying to get me and this kid to go on a date. I didn't want it to be awkward or anything, so I kind of...backed off a little bit? Anyway, now I'm genuinely interested, but I don't think he knows that I am. Especially since I backed off from before. So now, everyone in my class knows, but not him. And I reeallly wanna ask him on a date. I've always been pretty old-fashioned, and I still consider myself to be, but I've also never had to ask a dude on a date (I have always wanted to, but I've chickened out every time!). I have some people telling me it's not a good idea, which is fine, but I think in today's world, it's really anybody's game. Right? And another thing... is it too soon? I mean, on this trip, our group spent like...every hour together. Sorta. So I think it's an adequate amount of time before you go on a date with someone. The real question is: How in the world do I do this?
Shoot me a comment if you agree with me and/or have suggestions. Haha.
PS--I'm obsessed with this song. :-)
Monday, October 4, 2010
I think coming up with blog titles are the hardest part about blogging. Okay maybe not. But it's usually what discourages me from blogging. Just sayin.
Okay so it's October. I think this is like my 3rd favorite month of the year. Other than December, May, annnnd yeah that's about it.
I love Halloween. It's my favorite. I love dressing up. In high school I always did makeup for theater and stuff. It was one of the best parts about being in plays and whatever. I could literally do whatever I wanted. And Halloween lets me continue that.
2 years ago I was She-Hulk:
Okay so it's October. I think this is like my 3rd favorite month of the year. Other than December, May, annnnd yeah that's about it.
I love Halloween. It's my favorite. I love dressing up. In high school I always did makeup for theater and stuff. It was one of the best parts about being in plays and whatever. I could literally do whatever I wanted. And Halloween lets me continue that.
2 years ago I was She-Hulk:
And then last year I was a ref. and Amelia Earhart (so fun!):
This year... I was trying to decide between Hayley Williams (Paramore), Wonder Woman, or a peacock. And at some point I will be each of those. But instead, I chose something (or someone) entirely different!:
Yup. That's right. Imma be Mystique this year. Don't worry Mom, or anyone else for that matter, cuz I'm not going to be naked like she is. For several reasons (one, it's going to be freezing!). I got a full body unitard (it's hilarious looking right now, because I bought it white, and I'm planning on dying it), cat eye contacts, and I have a reddish colored wig. It's gonna be legit, I'm telling you. It better be anyway, cuz I'm investing a lot into this! Haha. I'll let you know what the finished product will look like.
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