Friday, January 1, 2010

Another New Year.

2010. Twenty-Ten.

Can't believe it's the end of another decade and the start of a new one. Pretty neat.

2009 could easily be described as one of the hardest years I've had so far. Easily top 3. I learned so much about life and about myself--what's important to me, and where my priorities are and where they should be. I learned about the art of love, the broken heart (being the heartbreaker and heartbreakee), and what it's like to lose yourself completely. There were times when I didn't know how I'd come out of the trials I had, and there were times when I felt untouchable and nothing could bring me down. I lost friends, but I gained many more that are teaching me new lessons. I also discovered a lot of passion in many areas of my life--a rewarding career I am working hard to have (physical therapy!), photography and other arts, traveling, and sports. The best part about those is I found them without the influence of others. I may have had a nudge here and there to help me realize how much I really loved them, but in all honesty I never decided to just have those passions so someone would like me better. I love them all on my own. I was also in the best shape I've ever been in. I found new bands I love a lot, and new hobbies I would love to keep up for the rest of my life. School has never been harder and I learned a lot about my motivation and the level of work I have to put into things to be extra successful. Really, if I summed up this year in one word, it would be educational...and I know I wouldn't change it for anything. I came out the other end better, more fun, stronger, and happier. Which is all I could ever ask for...

Just like everyone else on this planet, I have a lot of plans for this year. Ha. My resolutions consist of the usual, but also some smaller baby step goals. Hopefully since I post them on here for everyone to see, it will be a constant reminder and I'll actually follow through. So here it goes. I guess I'll explain a few as I list them.

1. Considering I, and everyone else in the world, ate a ton of food during the holidays and gained more weight than I am happy with, I am determined to get into better shape. Eating better, working out on a regular basis. But it's not just about all the food I ate during the holidays. It's about my long-term well-being. Seriously. I want to be able to do everything I want to when I'm older. If I can't do them as well, so what, but at least I'll be able to do them. I did some observation hours this week and Vanderbilt hospital in the orthopaedic out-patient physical therapy clinic and I saw so many people who came in with all these joint problems and it was pretty much because they never use their muscles so they're just really weak. I can't allow that to happen. I have the power to prevent surgery and many many other health problems and I am the only one who can make myself be healthy and proactive. I'm not putting a timeline on this, because I haven't really figured out how long it will take. But maybe I'll blog about it. Ha.

2. I have a photography class this semester and it's pretty much straight up film. I'll be taking pictures and developing them. Well. Just like every other photographer. Anyway. I plan on doing really really well. And I'm really excited to have my photography passion take off. I'll need a lot of help, but I am positive it'll be a very rewarding experience.

3. Since I am somewhat on the subject of school, I guess I should throw this one in... I have 17 credits this semester and probably won't be the last time I do this. I have to be successful with it and get incredible grades because not only do I want to, but I have to. My goal is to make A's and B's and I plan on doing the best I can to make it that way. My GPA is going to get higher and I will make whatever sacrifices I need to. Feel free to encourage me whenever you like!

4. I want to be a better pen-pal. I hardly ever write my brothers or my friends on missions and frankly, it's pathetic. I have no excuse. It would only take a half hour or so. Maybe even less. Seriously. I am making a goal to write/email at least every Sunday. No excuses this time.

5. I want to be a better friend. To let things go a lot easier, to forgive, and to trust more. To have more compassion and service in mind. To be there and to listen. To offer the best advice possible. To love unconditionally.

6. I want to be better spiritually! I don't pray and read my scriptures near as much as I should and it really is the simple things that matter the most. I want to make a more concerted effort to make this happen and to make Christ the center of my life.

7. I want to procrastinate less and prioritize more! And to have an apartment of order! (at least my room) So that I can channel more success in my schooling and in my life!

8. Along the lines of #4, I want to be a better family member. To keep in touch with family and let them know what's going on in my life. To actually have all their emails and phone numbers and to use them often.

9. I need to blog more. It really is a great way to get my thoughts out and to let everyone know whats going on in my life. I want to make it a goal to blog at least once a week. And I mean really blog. Not lame like "oh school is great" like the nitty gritty stuff. More pictures too.

10. Last one. I want to make it a point to have more fun. To be more spontaneous. To LIVE more. I live in Rexburg. I am in college. I am young. There's no reason why I can't have good awesome clean fun. I only get one life. And I really should make the best of it.

So here's to a new year and a new decade. May everyone get what they deserve and live and prosper (ha)! Here's to following through on your resolutions and making the best of 2010! LOVE YOU ALL!


The Miller's said...

Hey chick!! Im excited to keep up with you blog.


abby said...

those are great goals rach. you're awesome! we love you.

Julie Canfield said...

i like.

Jeanette said...

I did not even know you had a blog! Glad I found it!! Happy New Year!!

Melanie Lynn said...

Rachael McBride! I Love you sooo much! U inspire me to be a better person! I'm soo glad our paths crossed and I know that we met in the pre-existence! I just plain old love you girl!