- my brother spilled my deepest secret and now everyone knows.
- i've been going to way too many weddings. it's glorious. yet depressing.
- adele has a severe case of laryngitis.
- a friend from sin city is mad at me.
- i miss my friend from the littlest big city in the world.
- i am debating on how long i want to stay in the music city.
- my favorite tweets are from steve nash.
- i'm going to put feathers in my hair tomorrow.
- i'm sorry for disappointing and hurting some people.
- i'm going to a dr of lady parts soon. (tmi?)
- a friend of mine is being extremely vain. it's very irritating.
- the hangover II is now my favorite comedy.
- a close friend is not close enough. and am now even closer to other friends.
- "it's kind of a funny story" is also a new favorite.
- i have a baby crush on a boy i've known for like 3 years.
- i miss my brothers.
so yeah. that's all.