I am not in Rexburg right now and it is the most glorious thing I think could have happened this semester. I was blessed with the opportunity to go to Orange County, California for a mission farewell. My friend's dad is paying for gas and hotel and so really this trip isn't costing me much at all. I really needed to get away because I've just been so burnt out lately and its hard to find the motivation to get through each week. Nevertheless, I always push through and finish each week the best I can.
Anyway, I'm really excited because I haven't been to Cali in a long time AND I haven't seen the beach or the Pacific in.... who knows how long. We're about to go to the beach right now and I can't wait! GAH!
Also. I lost my phone. NO IDEA where it is. And I searched high and low and unpacked and repacked and it is nowhere. I said a prayer to find it but told Heavenly Father if I wasn't supposed to have it this weekend then, that is fine. And I didnt find it. So I have come to the conclusion that I am not supposed to have it and that its apart of this whole new reinvention thing I'm trying. It's actually really awesome so far. I kind of like not having a phone. At first it was really hard but I'm fine now.
K, so we're leaving now. I'll blog more later. Peace.

Friday, February 26, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
For Abby.
I promised Abby I would post some of my prints from my photo class.
Here's a couple. The assignment was motion--stopping and revealing. I tried both, but I didn't rent a tripod or anything so all of my shots (out of two rolls of film or about 60 shots) were either very blurry or just revealing motion. I took some of water, a river, a couple cars, and a couple friends playing instruments and playing darts. The best ones were the ones I have below. My friend Kyle plays the ukelele, and my friend Scott threw some darts for me. It was pretty neat. I'll probably redo some of them for my final portfolio though.
I'll post some more soon.
Here's a couple. The assignment was motion--stopping and revealing. I tried both, but I didn't rent a tripod or anything so all of my shots (out of two rolls of film or about 60 shots) were either very blurry or just revealing motion. I took some of water, a river, a couple cars, and a couple friends playing instruments and playing darts. The best ones were the ones I have below. My friend Kyle plays the ukelele, and my friend Scott threw some darts for me. It was pretty neat. I'll probably redo some of them for my final portfolio though.
I'll post some more soon.
Happy Valentine's Day
I really don't like Valentine's day honestly. And yes I'm one of those who doesn't like it because I've always been single during Valentine's. I like that it is on Sunday this year though because there isn't such a public display. All of it was yesterday. Ha. Last night I went to Texas Roadhouse with 3 good friends of mine. All girls. All single. It was a lot of fun and as always the food was AMAZING. Except my steak was a littttle dry. But its fine really. I'm glad we went. Yesterday I also went to this hamburger place called Big Jud's. It's one of those places where you can order a huuggge one pounder (or bigger! like someone can order a 6 pounder! gross!) and if you finish it you get your picture on a wall. I'd heard of this place, but never had been there. And I prolly will never go again. Cuz to be honest, it wasn't that great. The burger was average (I got a regular size), the fries were good but super greasy, and when i left, I smelled like I'd been working fast food for 12 hours. Funk nasty.
What else. Oh I was supposed to have dinner on friday night with a certain someone I have recently been mentioning but I never heard from him. It's totally fine really. And I really don't know what to do now except give up. So thats the end of that.
I might go to California in a couple weeks. At least I really hope that I can. My friends that I previously mentioned asked me to go with them. My friend Hilary is going on a mission and her farewell is that weekend. Her cousin, Alissa, is one of the friends (I suppose I should give them names instead of just saying 'my friends'--Erin, Alissa, Mariah, Kara.) that invited me and her parents mayyyy pay for gas to get there. Which would be awesome. We also might go to Colorado soon? I really miss CO and I want to go visit so so badly.
I need a job.
What else. Oh I was supposed to have dinner on friday night with a certain someone I have recently been mentioning but I never heard from him. It's totally fine really. And I really don't know what to do now except give up. So thats the end of that.
I might go to California in a couple weeks. At least I really hope that I can. My friends that I previously mentioned asked me to go with them. My friend Hilary is going on a mission and her farewell is that weekend. Her cousin, Alissa, is one of the friends (I suppose I should give them names instead of just saying 'my friends'--Erin, Alissa, Mariah, Kara.) that invited me and her parents mayyyy pay for gas to get there. Which would be awesome. We also might go to Colorado soon? I really miss CO and I want to go visit so so badly.
I need a job.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Dear Jack,
You complete me. This was my second time at one of your shows and I absolutely cannot describe the experience. There are just not enough words. For so many reasons you have changed my life and inspired me in a lot of ways. Your music fills my heart and makes me smile every time I hear it. You and your brilliance have a very big place in my heart. My life has become more meaningful, happier, and just better with you in it. Your music has helped me through a lot of low times and made a lot of high times a whole lot more fun. I look forward to many many more moments like this and your new album when it comes out. Thank you for everything you have done for me and for other people in life with stories similar to mine. And yours. You're the best. I mean it.
Love Always,
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Where are you now?
I am going to see Jack's Mannequin on Tuesday. I absolutely. positively. cannot. wait. It's in Salt Lake. And yes. I'm making the trip in one day. Me and 3 other girls.
It's pretty safe to say that Jack's is in my top 3 favorites. I love him. His music is brilliant. And I was listening to "The Mixed Tape" a few minutes ago (you know.. gotta get all pumped and get all the lyrics fresh in my mind before I go!) and I really wanna make a "mixed tape" of my own.. or get Andrew McMahon's original mixed tape... Either way. I want it to be the best I've ever made.
So. If you have any ideas, throw them my way. Bring on the mushy, too. :-)
It's pretty safe to say that Jack's is in my top 3 favorites. I love him. His music is brilliant. And I was listening to "The Mixed Tape" a few minutes ago (you know.. gotta get all pumped and get all the lyrics fresh in my mind before I go!) and I really wanna make a "mixed tape" of my own.. or get Andrew McMahon's original mixed tape... Either way. I want it to be the best I've ever made.
So. If you have any ideas, throw them my way. Bring on the mushy, too. :-)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
It is obviously Wednesday...
I must have a lot of time on my hands if I'm able to blog 3x already this week... and I can definitely tell this is the middle of the week because this has seriously been a rough day! I haven't had a day like this in a while. And I'll tell you why. Just read the last paragraph of my last blog! All freakin day long all I can think about is this dumb guy! I found out he's dating someone... But whatever. It's stupid. But I'm like well what does she have over me? What is so great about this other girl? Sometimes I feel like I should just up and tell the guy but then I just get scared and rethink things and tell myself it's just a plain ole' bad idea. I hate this game. Haha.
Also. I have THE WORST cough known to man. I've already coughed up both lungs and now I'm pretty sure I have nothing left, but somehow I'm still coughing and hacking? All day long in class... People turn around, that I've never talked to, and say with wide-eyed expressions, "Are you OKay?!?!" All I can say is oh yes definitely. Just dying that's all.
I recolored my hair last night. Well. I didn't, but my dear friend Erin did. With the help of Kara and Mariah. I won't lie, it was a little scary because we colored a chunk purple, so we had to bleach it first (only part of my hair, not my whole head!) and then put purple in it. I haven't had bleach in my hair in a long long time so I was nervous. Also. When we colored the rest of my head (a plum brown is what the bottle said) too much developer got added in so we (and by we I mean Erin) had to add what was left of the other colors she already had to compensate and make it equal. It's just hair, right? Well. It turned out awesome and I really really love it! So all is well in the world of hair. Haha. I'll post pictures soon.
Also. I have THE WORST cough known to man. I've already coughed up both lungs and now I'm pretty sure I have nothing left, but somehow I'm still coughing and hacking? All day long in class... People turn around, that I've never talked to, and say with wide-eyed expressions, "Are you OKay?!?!" All I can say is oh yes definitely. Just dying that's all.
I recolored my hair last night. Well. I didn't, but my dear friend Erin did. With the help of Kara and Mariah. I won't lie, it was a little scary because we colored a chunk purple, so we had to bleach it first (only part of my hair, not my whole head!) and then put purple in it. I haven't had bleach in my hair in a long long time so I was nervous. Also. When we colored the rest of my head (a plum brown is what the bottle said) too much developer got added in so we (and by we I mean Erin) had to add what was left of the other colors she already had to compensate and make it equal. It's just hair, right? Well. It turned out awesome and I really really love it! So all is well in the world of hair. Haha. I'll post pictures soon.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
February, won't you be my valentine?
So I realize it's not Valentine's Day yet... but its February. So the title counts.
School is good. This blog may be short because I have a group meeting in about 15 minutes. I'm doing better blogging already! Ha.
I have a photo assignment due in less than two days. I have finished my roll. But I still have to develop, print, and mount 2 great prints by Thursday at 1245 pm. I really don't know how I'm going to manage. But, I'm sure I'm not the first to procrastinate this kind of thing so I'm just gonna try not to stress about it and do the best I can. I'll be sure to let you know it goes. :-)
I found out yesterday that my chemistry teacher thought I dropped the class. At least that's what he told my lab partner yesterday before I got to lab. I was sick with a fever and a nasty cough last Thursday thru the weekend so naturally I skip class. The dean of students has told everyone to stay home if you're sick. So I did. I missed both Thursday and Friday and I emailed all my teachers. But my chem teacher STILL thought I dropped. What a bum. He looks like the "inconceivable" guy from The Princess Bride. It's hilarious.
I have been thinking lately... that I like this guy. I'm not going to disclose his name for fear he may find out. If you want to know though, email me. Haha. I've known him a while and we're really good friends. But I just don't think it'll work out. We're strictly just friends, but whenever I'm around him I know things could and maybe should be different. I'm not around him very often either for certain reasons, and I know that he has no idea I like him. I'm not really sure if I should tell him though. I don't know if it will change things and I absolutely do not want to kill a friendship. It's a catch 22... I really like him. But I don't really want to. But I can't help it! And every time this happens I always think Oh yeah I'll just let things happen naturally and go with the flow.. whatever. It never really works that well for me though. And this is seriously the last thing I need right now... an added stress about boys. For real? I already have school to deal with! And I should be saying I'm an adult now, I should go after the things I want and not be a weiner about it. But here I am... blogging about a guy I've secretly liked for a long time now but I've never admitted it to myself or anyone else. I feel like I'm in middle school writing in my journal about a boy in my social studies class drawing "I heart so and so" all over my homework... Soooo juvenile. So what should I do? Should I just come out and say it? Or just hang out and remain in the "friend zone" while he dates other eligible bachelorettes?
School is good. This blog may be short because I have a group meeting in about 15 minutes. I'm doing better blogging already! Ha.
I have a photo assignment due in less than two days. I have finished my roll. But I still have to develop, print, and mount 2 great prints by Thursday at 1245 pm. I really don't know how I'm going to manage. But, I'm sure I'm not the first to procrastinate this kind of thing so I'm just gonna try not to stress about it and do the best I can. I'll be sure to let you know it goes. :-)
I found out yesterday that my chemistry teacher thought I dropped the class. At least that's what he told my lab partner yesterday before I got to lab. I was sick with a fever and a nasty cough last Thursday thru the weekend so naturally I skip class. The dean of students has told everyone to stay home if you're sick. So I did. I missed both Thursday and Friday and I emailed all my teachers. But my chem teacher STILL thought I dropped. What a bum. He looks like the "inconceivable" guy from The Princess Bride. It's hilarious.
I have been thinking lately... that I like this guy. I'm not going to disclose his name for fear he may find out. If you want to know though, email me. Haha. I've known him a while and we're really good friends. But I just don't think it'll work out. We're strictly just friends, but whenever I'm around him I know things could and maybe should be different. I'm not around him very often either for certain reasons, and I know that he has no idea I like him. I'm not really sure if I should tell him though. I don't know if it will change things and I absolutely do not want to kill a friendship. It's a catch 22... I really like him. But I don't really want to. But I can't help it! And every time this happens I always think Oh yeah I'll just let things happen naturally and go with the flow.. whatever. It never really works that well for me though. And this is seriously the last thing I need right now... an added stress about boys. For real? I already have school to deal with! And I should be saying I'm an adult now, I should go after the things I want and not be a weiner about it. But here I am... blogging about a guy I've secretly liked for a long time now but I've never admitted it to myself or anyone else. I feel like I'm in middle school writing in my journal about a boy in my social studies class drawing "I heart so and so" all over my homework... Soooo juvenile. So what should I do? Should I just come out and say it? Or just hang out and remain in the "friend zone" while he dates other eligible bachelorettes?
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